

Media Release

Saturday, September 27th, 1997

For immediate release

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL, Kassel, Sept 21 - 28, 1997, was organized by the Old Boys Network.

The Hybrid WorkSpace is a project of the Berlin Biennale and documenta X and has been hold at the Orangerie in Kassel. It has run for the duration of the documenta X and has presented eleven residences of groups working with media, the internet, culture and politics - invited by Pit Schultz and Geert Lovink. The cyberfeminist residency is the final block.

For eight days this cross-cultural meeting of women has taken place at the 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL and discussed, debated, workshopped and made presentations. They immersed themselves in technology, politics, theories, working on forms of representation - getting more than just their hands and keyboards dirty.

This diverse group of over thirty women has very different backgrounds - from programmers to web mistresses, from artists to theorists, from networkers to geeks and floating in between. Within the context of the world's largest art exhibition, documenta, they are developing viral forms of art technologies.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL sends these binary digits as fresh living data to the press now:

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL is spreading like an unknown virus through the worldwide communication lines. Its movement is the infiltration.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL slips through the traps of definition with different attitudes towards art, culture, theory, politics, communication and technology - the terrain of the internet.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL is not only a state of mind but the state-of-the-art of media technologies, that is hard-, soft- and mindware.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL is no institution and will transform every infected institution into a cyberfeminist interface.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL will spread information about the net behind the net, about net-grammars in business and politics, strategies in communication and networking, translating code into strategies and strategies into code.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL is the infectious agent of the post-art technological species.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL is epidemic, is a medium, is so sexy, has emerged by popular demand.

Download now!

For more information see the Old Boys Network website, http://www.icf.de/obn.

List of participants

    Susanne Ackers, Berlin
    Babeth, Amsterdam
    Ulrike Bergermann, Hamburg
    Josephine Bosma, Amsterdam
    Shu Lea Cheang, New York
    Vali Djordjevic, Berlin
    Marina Grzinic, Japan
    Sabine Helmers, Berlin
    Kathy Rae Huffman, Wien
    Margarethe Jahrmann, Wien
    Vesna Jankovic, Zagreb
    Verena Kuni, Frankfurt
    Vesna Manojlovic, Belgrade
    Nikolina Manojlovic, Zagreb
    Diana McCarty, Budapest
    Alla Mitrofanova, St. Petersburg
    Ingrid Molnar, Hamburg/Wien
    Mathilde Mupe, Amsterdam
    Ellen Nonnenmacher, Berlin
    Helene von Oldenburg, Rastede
    Daniela Alina Plewe, Berlin
    Corrine Petrus, Rotterdam
    Julianne Pierce, Sydney
    Claudia Reiche, Hamburg
    Tamara Rouw, Amsterdam
    Rasa Smite, Riga
    Cornelia Sollfrank, Berlin/Hamburg
    Debra Solomon, Amsterdam
    Josephine Starrs, Sydney
    Barbara Strebel, Basel
    Rena Tangens, Bielefeld
    Gudrun Teich, Dsseldorf
    Kerstin Weiberg, Berlin
    Faith Wilding, Pittsburgh
    Eva Wohlgemuth, Wien
    Ina Wudtke, Berlin
    Olga Egerova, St. Petersburg
    Natalja Pershina, St. Petersburg