Mikro e.V. Verein zur Förderung von Medienkulturen in Berlin
KONTAKT: info@mikro.org
tel: 0177 225 37 97, fax: 030 2821867



in search of a mission

First Steps Towards a Mission 
Second Thoughts on the Mission 
Mission Impossible? 

First Steps Towards a Mission

Exactly what is a Mission Statement?   

Mission Statements Unplugged   

Mission statement helps lead you in right direction   

Process for Development of Mission Statement   

An easier solution: Dilbert's Mission Statement Generator   

Second Thoughts on the Mission

Just as man has always striven to define a purpose for existence, so should businesses ask themselves "Why are we here?" and establish a mission statement.   

It is not enough to assume that everyone shares a common understanding of where Mikro is going and why it wants to get there. A mission statement clearly answers the questions: "To what do we aspire?" "What is our dream?" "What is our purpose?"   

The old Communist Party of the USSR had a very fine mission statement, namely, The Communist Manifesto.   
A mission statement is important for two reasons. "Externally it helps position you with other competitors, it shows you where you fit in the market. Internally it keeps you on track and in focus. It's easy to get diverted by the latest opportunity and the mission statement keeps you on track and keeps you motivated," explains Adrienne Lumpkin of Alternate Access.   

A mission statement is not to be taken lightly. When more than 10,000 people are united under one idea, one pursuit, great things are more likely to happen than if no goal were considered.   

For businesses that change constantly writing a mission statement can be an on-going process.   

Let's have fun and we might accidentally learn something. "Fun" is something every kid carries in his heart anyway. Don't confuse tactics with strategy. Don't lose sight of the larger goals with smaller ones. Don't incorporate into your mission statement something that doesn't make the people who have to live it stand up and say, "Yeah, let's go!" When Cicero spoke, the people   
said how well he spoke. When Demosthenes spoke, the people said 'Let us march!'   

Most mission statements read like a list of ingredients on the side of a cereal box. We need a statement pulsing with panache, vibrating with verve, bristling with brioche (wait... that's a bun, isn't it? well, maybe it's still appropriate), a statement that captures the joie de vie of being a Mikro'tian in Berlin.   

The mission statement should express the importance of being on the front end of technology, set the philosophical direction of Mikro and continue to follow the community trends and respond to that. It should be something you can memorize, recite and hold close to your heart.   

We have the mission statements printed on wallet-size cards for each employee of Mikro as well as having it displayed in framed wall units. We have a banner hanging with our mission statement on it. It is also in the employee handbook and everyone has a cardboard copy to hang on their office wall. Mikro also includes it in the brochure we give to clients and in press releases that we send out. But we haven't had a chance to implement the new mission statement into culture yet.   


The new mission statement defines in real ways the goals, ambitions and aspirations of Mikro. The new statement is broad in scope and purposely vague, allowing everyone in this room to participate in the further development of Mikro. The most significant aspect of the statement was its intentional focus on the reason why we are here. Embedded in the mission statement is the notion that we have a lot of different capabilities across town. The positive thing about the mission statement is that it allows input. It sets up goals of a quality that can never be reached but must always be pursued. We are trying to define Mikro as more than a regional or even a state institution, We must recognize that our influence is greater than what  we see immediately around us. The value of the mission statement is that it does not define Mikro. It calls for a dedication of spirit, attitude and character. This is our place. We can make it what we want it to become.   

Mikro commits itself   

We commit to: respect for the diverse opinions and populations that enrich our community; fostering partnerships that maximize our resources; involving our citizens and enhancing our community.   

It is the mission of Mikro to serve others by helping to instill values in young people and in other ways prepare them to make ethical choices over their lifetime in achieving their full potential.   

The Mikro Mission Managment Office (MMMO) is responsible for Advanced Studies and Direct Mission Support activities including the Customer Interfaces and Databases involved with planning, development, and management of mission support requirements.   

The studies prescribed by Mikro have four major purposes: to provide a rich cultural background against which people can build rewarding lives; to present current communications problems in the context of their origin and development; to prepare people for productive roles; and to provide a foundation for research in the growing knowledge of mass communications.   

The Internet can be a bewildering place for most people.   

Mikro seeks to protect and expand the public's right to use published works and ideas.  We will work to redirect and reduce the powers of copyrights, patents and trademarks, so that they achieve the intended benefits--more progress for the public--without unnecessarily restricting what ordinary people can do.   

Mikro ensures that records which have value as authentic evidence of administrative, corporate, cultural and intellectual activity are made, kept and used. The work of Mikro is vital for ensuring organisational efficiency and accountability and for supporting understandings of Berlin life through the management and retention of its personal, corporate and social memory.   

Mikro is a non-denominational, non-profit association meant to encourage Christian jugglers, through interaction and participation with others of the same interest and the same faith.   

We commit to: comprehensive financial planning that provides for adequate cash reserves, recapitalization, maintained infrastructure, quality spending, and minimizing debt while living primarily on a residential tax base.   

Mission Impossible?

Or is, in the end, a Mission impossible  

The only people who are entitled to a mission statement are missionaries. But the so-called mission statements concocted by most organizations are monstrosities of overinflation and obfuscation, insults to the language. People and organizations with mission statements are always bad news. My advice would be to put your trust in those who, like Mikro, have no idea what they are doing or why - but who at least are honest enough to admit it.   

Therefore YOU tell us what our Mission is:

Our mission statement should be written by the membership (unless we can find a better one and steal it). That's where you come in. We will hold a contest where all members are asked to submit their proposals for a mission statement and the winner will receive fame and a fabulous prize: software!! Creativity counts, and we don't want to be too serious about anything, much less ourselves. However, we want it to draw... not dry... our readers, so be as brief as possible.   

mikro.members - mikro.self