For more information about nettime:
http://www.nettime.org (central website)
http://www.desk.nl/~nettime (old homepage & publications)
http://www.factory.org/nettime (archive)
http://thing.net/login.thing (archive in New York)
http://tao.ca/fire/nettime/index.html (archive in Toronto)
http://www.factory.org/nettime-nl (dutch list archive)
Website with full version of this book:
E-mail addresses:
nettime@desk.nl (info)
nettime-l@desk.nl (for postings)
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subscribe nettime-l you@email.address
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zIf you want to UNsubscribe, send an email to:
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would like to be informed at:
POB 568 Williamsburgh Station
Brooklyn, NY 11211-0568 USA
Fax: 718-963-2603
E-Mail: autonobook@aol.com
Website: www.autonomedia.org
Published with the support of:
The Ars Electronica Festival (A)
The Arts Council of England (UK)
The Art and Technology Foundation (ES)
DEAF/The V2_Organisation (NL)
The Ljubljana Digital Media Lab (SLO)
The Society for Old and New Media (NL)
Produced at the Society for Old and New Media
Cover and book design by Mieke Gerritzen
Logo by Heath Bunting
Printed in the Netherlands
Drukkerij Hooiberg, Epe
© 1999 Autonomedia & individual contributors
