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Subject: Re: <nettime> Blaming Soros, the Burmese currency crisis
From: (MediaFilter)
Date: 29 Jul 1997 01:32:04 +0200

* * * * *

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Precedence: bulk

Before you cry for the military thugs who enslave burma,
or further demonize George Soros for his sleazy capitalist
games, get the background on Burma:

For 34 years the people of Burma have been ruled by a military junta as
tyrannical and secretive as any in the modern era. Now, desperate for
hard currency, the country's dictators are at pains to establish Burma
as a vacation paradise. Posing as a travel consultant, John Pilger
penetrated beyond this new tourist trail to uncover a nightmare
world of
intimidation, forced displacement, and slavery.

The Burmese Gulag
by John Pilger from Issue 58, CovertAction Quarterly

--Paul Garrin

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