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Subject: <nettime> Manifestoism?
From: Frank Hartmann <>
Date: 31 Jul 1997 19:50:18 +0200

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RE: <nettime> bad brace : socio-cultural invention

I was wondering: is there any point in this post?

This is not the time of economic experiments,
but explicit transnational policies of huge
investments in the telematics sector.

Sociologists all over US and Europe are very well
aware of the need for a 'social innovation' as a
corrective to the technology hype, as shown in the
recent publication by the "Group of Lisbon".

On a philosophical level, e.g. Vilém Flusser suggested an
interesting concept of 'communicology' as opposed to
the ruling 'technology'.

So what's your point? Manifestoism?

~Frank Hartmann

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