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Subject: Re: <nettime> internet pornography indictment in slovenia
From: Declan McCullagh <>
Date: 6 Aug 1997 18:17:57 +0200

* * * * *

Cc: Luka Frelih <luka@KUD-FP.SI>,
Precedence: bulk

This is indeed an interesting case. Child porn laws are some of the wackier
ones around. In the _Knox_ case, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed that a
videotape of young girls wearing leotards was child pornography. There was
no nudity involved.

Then last year came the Hatch/Feinstein amendment to the child porn law
that criminalized "morphed" child porn, or images that "appear" to be of a
minor. Law enforcement officials and antiporn advocates last summer told
the Senate Judiciary committee that such a law was necessary because it was
tough to prove in prosecutions that the person depicted was a minor.

So if you're playing around in PhotoShop, beware!

I believe, though I'm not certain, that the U.K. has a similar "morphed"
child porn law on the books.


At 12:39 +1000 8/6/97, francesca da rimini wrote:
>i've been making some [pseudo?] kiddie porn quicktime movies as part of my
>web project, using images of myself as a young child . . . and have been
>wondering if casting oneself in black n blue net movies wd contravene
>national/international *decency* lawz the slovenian case is
>interestting to me ... shd we all move to finnish servers?

Declan McCullagh
Time Inc.
The Netly News Network
Washington Correspondent

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