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Subject: <nettime> reinventing the future: P05+ |<EUU|_
From: t byfield <>
Date: 6 Aug 1997 19:19:08 +0200

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This just in:

> Wired magazine is hoping to reinvent itself: "You can only be cool once,"
> says Wired executive editor Kevin Kelly, "so I think we're going into a
> postcool period and we're going to be as radical as we can without being
> cool." The new direction? "I don't think at all that the storm has passed
> or the rebels have cleared the street. So we'll still be there trying to
> scout ahead and report back from this other continent west of California
> that we call the future. All we're saying is this revolution is bigger than
> you thought." (New York Times 4 Aug 97)

"It was in the nineteenth century that each person began to have the right
to his little box for his little personal decomposition." --M. Foucault
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