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Subject: <nettime> PGMedia becomes Tiresome
From: Gordon Cook <>
Date: 16 Aug 1997 04:26:55 +0200

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In a message that I find insulting to my intelligence Paul Garrin
complains and urges his followers to rise to his defense and trash the
mighty new york times. I am not a follower so I am not sure why I received
the latest invitation to spam the Cybertimes.

Garrin: First, the petition being widely endorsed in
support of pgMedia, Inc.'s NAME.SPACE service,
was not mentioned in your article, although it
represents a significant percentage of the number
of total replies received to date by the
US Department of Commerce.

Cook: uummm sorry to rain on your parade paul, but please define
widely.....1000 responses? 10,000? 1,000,000? Attested to by what

Represents a significant proportion of the replies received by the
department of commerce, eh? define significant. 5% or 50%? And what
makes you think such a figure could be ascertained? If commerce is giving
out stats on who has replied, i'd like to see the evidence.

You are a promoter, a spreader of hype...not a major player.

The COOK Report on Internet For subsc. pricing & more than
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