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Subject: Re: <nettime> Who is paying you?
From: Gordon Cook <>
Date: 17 Aug 1997 05:37:33 +0200

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Who is paying me tapio? More than 120 subscribers who pay from $1000 a
year to $100 a year. For five and one half years I have earned my income
by my internet reporting. I have as many opinions as any artist and I try
to hide them far less than many 'ordinary" journalists. But I also try to
ground my reporting in factual reality. damned few
probably none would pay just for my opinions.

my comments follow

On Sat, 16 Aug 1997, Tapio [iso-8859-1] Mäkelä wrote:

> >The COOK Report on Internet For subsc. pricing & more than
> >Governance at the Crossroads ($175)
yes, I have a real study of what's going on on my web pages.
I know at a rather fine level of detail what is going on because i have
developed a damned good network of sources.

> You are a promoter, a spreader of hype...not a major player.
> --------------------
> deals with changing the way we think about net space mapping.
> The reason information about it is distributed on Nettime is because it is
> connected with organizations invovled with critical media & art. If
> Name.Space becomes successfull, it will support artist activities. The
> equation is simple:
> financial support & technical independence potentially create freedom to
> continue producing critical & artistic discourses in the quickly developing
> media environment even in times when public funding is minimal due to
> conservative political times.

I enjoy classical music, opera and ballet believe me I am
not hostile to artists...... still the idea of how would
produce revenue enough to change the artist's lot baffle's me. BUT THIS
WILLING TO DEBATE, IS GARRIN'S CREDIBILITY when he berates the new york
times for not taking him seriously when he announces without a shred of
EVIDENCE for his claim that votes on behalf of are a
significant proportion of responses to the government NOI.

I asked for evidence. This morning i received a reply thanking me for
pointing out garrin's foolishness and now your off topic complaint.

> Now, Mr. Cook is a technocrat, who is not
you are too funny.... I have called others tecnocrats. first time I have
been called one

> interested in the above issues, apparently,

I am very interested in actually thinking about the issues and
understanding what is happening

and has had the only aim to
> disrupt delivery of information from Paul Garrin to subscribers of Nettime.

disrupt the delivery? thats a hilarious conclusion. i assure you i will
disrupt nothing.......tired of Garrins whining about the editorial
standards of the NY Times I asked him to justify his assertions.

Perhaps you prefer to live in a dreamworld? I do not.
Garrins suit came at an interesting time and it got in line at just the
right moment to cause some interesting things to happen.

1. first it resulted in the letter of april 4 from the USC
general council to network solutions saying that as far as USC was
concerned jon postel was operating without legal authority other than the
consensual authority of the internet community.

2. second it also resulted in a decsion by the US gov't to oppose what I
understand to be garrin's aim - the adding of new gtlds to the root servers.

3. garrin is not a major player....if he were he would have been invited
to the telcom inustry associations july 31 meeting in washington dc as a

> Perhaps Mr. Cook will apply for a job at the Network Solutions, Inc.?
no way I am far happier as self employed editor publisher than I could be
working for someone else.

> please sign the petition & ignore this
message and the one that this is
> replying to.

be my guest....sign anything you want to.
the only thing garrin correctly perceives is that the IANA is basically
without legal foundation and subject to attack in the US courts.

I have recently been sharply critical of IANA actions, but if you succede
in rendering IANA impotent, you may not like what replaces it.

Flame on if you wish..... I will not allow myself to waste time in A
protracted war...

> /tm
> ---
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