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Subject: Re: <nettime> Cook: Get A Life!
From: (MediaFilter)
Date: 19 Aug 1997 00:46:59 +0200

* * * * *

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Precedence: bulk

Gordon Cook wrote:

>It looks like I am asking Garrin questions for which he has no answers.

Gordon, stop your ranting and bashing.
It is no defense for your ignorance.

I will assign your first homework assignment again,
although you have already flunked.

I recommend that you do it for your own good.
Your redundancy and blathering are more than tired.

The answers are all there and I don't need to spell them
all out just for you becase you are too lazy and clueless
to get it.

Also, read the petition. If you have a clue about the other
proposals put forth by other "players" and an iq above 65,
you will see the difference.

Again, your Homework Assignment:

1. Go to the US Department of Commerce site and read
the public posts.

2. Call the following Agents from the US Department of
Justice and ask them if they think Paul Garrin has
enough credibility to cause them to fly to NY from
Washington DC to discuss Name.Space for over 4 hours.

James J. Tierney
Trial Attorney, Computers and Finance Section
US Department of Justice Antitrust Division
(202) 307 0797

Ruth S. Raubitschek
US Department of Justice Antitrust Division
Economic Analysis Group
(202) 307 6650

Deborah Connor
Trial Attorney
US Department of Justice Antitrust Division
(202) 514 4890

3. Go to the media page and read some of
the recent media. Why would the Washington Post
SF Chronicle and LA Times print the same story
about the USDoJ investigation, mention the pgMedia
case against NSI, and in the same article in the
NY Times no mention of pgMedia.

4. Go to the website (since you probably
have never even checked it out) and register a name,
create an address record (full administrative access
for user via web) and mirror your homepage while
creating a virtual host on the fly...all functioning
in less than 10 miniutes.

5. Try to do the same at Network Solutions.

6. Read the names and addresses of the signitories of
the Name.Space petition to the USDoC.

7. Send in your own comments to the USDoC. Instead of being
the curmudgeons scowling in the corner waiting for and
opportunity to piss on everyone, try and do/say something
constructive for a change.

Better hurry...the deadline is tomorrow, Monday, August 18, 1997.

8. Smile!

Paul Garrin

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