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Subject: <nettime> Center for Media & Democracy
From: SysOp <>
Date: 19 Aug 1997 06:28:25 +0200

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<TITLE>Center for Media & Democracy</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffcc" BACKGROUND="bkgd.gif">

<TD VALIGN="TOP"><A HREF="tsigfy.html"><IMG SRC="tsigfy.gif" HSPACE="12" ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=
"206" HEIGHT="313" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3"></A></TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#ccffcc"><H1 ALIGN=CENTER><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#FF0000" SIZE=+4>Welcome to the<BR>


<LI><A HREF="#about"><STRONG>About the Center</STRONG></A>
<LI><A HREF="prw_issues.html"><STRONG>Back Issues of <EM>PR Watch</EM></STRONG></A>
<LI><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">About our book, <BR>
</FONT><EM><A HREF="tsigfy.html">Toxic Sludge Is Good For You: <BR>
Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry</A></EM></STRONG>
<LI><A HREF="prw_issues.html#subscribe"><STRONG>How to Subscribe</STRONG></A>
<LI><A HREF="#contact"><STRONG>How to Contact Us</STRONG></A>
<A NAME="about"></A></P>

<P>The Center for Media & Democracy is a nonprofit, public interest
organization dedicated to investigative reporting on the public relations
industry. The Center serves citizens, journalists and researchers seeking
to recognize and combat manipulative and misleading PR practices.</P>

<P><IMG SRC="space.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="1" ALT="" NATURALSIZEFLAG="0"
ALIGN="BOTTOM">Whether the issue is health, consumer safety, environmental
preservation or democracy and world peace, citizens today find themselves
confronted by a bewildering array of paid propagandists paid to convince
the public that junk food is nutritious, pollution is harmless, and that
what's good for big business and big government is good for the rest of

<P><IMG SRC="space.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="1" ALT="" NATURALSIZEFLAG="0"
ALIGN="BOTTOM">Unlike advertising, public relations is often hard to recognize.
"The best PR is invisible," say industry insiders. To spin the
news in favor of their clients, PR firms specialize in setting up phony
citizens' groups and scientific "experts" who spin out contrived
research using junk science.</P>

<P><IMG SRC="space.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="1" ALT="" NATURALSIZEFLAG="0"
ALIGN="BOTTOM">The Center for Media & Democracy produces what Daniel
Zoll of the <EM>San Francisco Bay Guardian</EM> calls "some of the
best investigative reporting around."</P>

<P><IMG SRC="space.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="1" ALT="" NATURALSIZEFLAG="0"
ALIGN="BOTTOM">Our publications include a quarterly newsletter, <A HREF=
"prw_issues.html"><EM>PR Watch</EM>,</A> and the recently-published book,
<EM><A HREF="tsigfy.html">Toxic Sludge Is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies
and the Public Relations Industry.</A></EM></P>

<P><IMG SRC="space.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="1" ALT="" NATURALSIZEFLAG="0"
ALIGN="BOTTOM">We specialize in blowing the lid off today's multi-billion
dollar propaganda-for-hire industry, naming names and revealing how public
relations wizards concoct and spin the news, organize phony 'grassroots'
front groups, spy on citizens, and conspire with lobbyists and politicians
to thwart democracy. We expose the hidden activities of secretive, little-known
mega-firms such as Hill & Knowlton, Burson-Marsteller and Ketchum PR--the
"invisible men" who control our political debates and public opinion,
twisting reality and protecting the powerful from scrutiny.</P>

<P><IMG SRC="space.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="1" ALT="" NATURALSIZEFLAG="0"
ALIGN="BOTTOM">Do you have a story to tell about the PR industry? We welcome
whistleblowers and promise confidentiality!</P>

<H2><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Also available from the Center for Media &

<LI>"Counter-PR" Research
<LI>Speakers & Seminars

<P><A NAME="contact"></A><IMG SRC="bar.gif" VSPACE="12" ALIGN="BOTTOM"
<TD WIDTH="100%"><STRONG>Center for Media & Democracy</STRONG> <BR>
3318 Gregory Street<BR>
Madison, WI 53711.<BR>
phone: (608) 233-3346<BR>
fax: 608-238-2236<BR>
email: <A HREF=""></A></TD>
<TD NOWRAP>This Page Last Updated<BR>
April 21, 1997</TD></TR>


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