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Subject: <nettime> Fragment of an Analysis
From: Alan * Sondheim <>
Date: 8 Jul 1997 02:46:25 +0200

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(I tried to send this to nettime @ the berlin address and with no
luck; if this duplicates, my apologies.)


[fragment conducted 7/7/97; _doctored_ version follows]


Fragment of an Analysis

I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.

I'm miserable. My sex is out of control. I fetishize panties and
people. I think this is because I'm living alone, but I'm not sure.

Are you afraid of sex?

No, not at all; I want it to annihilate me, not the Other; but there
is surely a displacement at work here?

Is it because there is surely a displacement at work there that you
came to me?

Perhaps... I'll have to think about that.

Can you elaborate on that?

That it may be difficult for me to recognize other people... I've made
these ... people, Jennifer and Julu ... they're more socialized and
fierce than I am; they dream me...

Does it bother you that it may be difficult for you to recognize other
people you have made these people jennifer and julu they're more
socialized and fierce than you are they dream you?

Yes, that's the nature of the displacement. But "bother" might not be
the right word here - it is more like an obtrusion, a suturing that
has gone bad, surgery that didn't take.

When did you first know that bother might not be the right word there
it is more like an obtrusion a suturing that has gone bad surgery that
didn't take?

Within the past two months or so.

Why do you say within the past two months or so?

Because during that period, defuge set in; I was exhausted with
jennifer and julu, but they weren't done with me...

Is the fact that during that period defuge set in you were exhausted
with jennifer and julu but they weren't done with you the real reason?

Yes - or rather more that I wasn't done with myself in this regard.

Does the fact that you wasn't done with yourself in this regard
explain anything else?

That my world is always already undone, and that I have no possibility
of "doing" it, recuperating it. It's always a wound, always open, and
always in need of reconstitution...

Have you been sure your world is always already undone and that you
have no possibility of doing it recuperating it it's always a wound
always open and always in need of reconstitution?

Yes, that much is certain: the world is split for me.

Is it because much is certain the world is split for you that you came
to me?

Yes, ultimately. And in need of suturing, of a deeper or stronger thread.

Earlier you said there is surely a displacement at work there?

Yes, as if my skin/personae slough off, as if you were real and I was not.

Maybe your plans have something to do with this.

No, there are no plans, just miasma.

Is it because of your life that you say there are no plans just

Yes, there are economic and social circumstances that contribute to
the problem.

Are you annoyed that contribute to the problem?

I'm losing you here?

You mentioned that it may be difficult for you to recognize other
people you have made these people jennifer and julu they're more
socialized and fierce than you are they dream you?

Yes, they dream me.

Is it because of the people you hang around with that you are going
through all this?

No, there are no people. There are never other people.

What makes you believe that?

Absence, my body turned carapace by unknown forces, shadows which
never materialize, the feeling that my name _should_ be called by
unknown and invisible voices... This doesn't happen...

When did you first know that your name should be called by unknown and
invisible voices this does not happen?

When I looked around and saw monads.

What happened when you looked around and saw monads?

I recognized the void cancelling out any form of communication, this
and the Other.

Are you sure that bother might not be the right word there it is more
like an obtrusion a suturing that has gone bad surgery that didn't

No, bother isn't the word.

How do you reconcile problems at school?

Ah, there aren't any.

Do you really think ah there are not any?


I see... Well, what makes you think this is so?

Because I function well there, at the university.

Is the fact that you function well there at the university the real

Yes, but you're looking for a cause when in fact there is a fit. A
cause and a fit are not the same thing.

Does the fact that I am looking for a cause when in fact there is a
fit a cause and a fit are not the same thing explain anything else?

Yes, that you're a robot in emacs, part of the Eliza program most
likely, and I'm writing myself into you, trying to understand
something in spite of the situation - or rather because of it.

Have you been positive I am a robot in emacs part of the eliza program
most likely and you are writing yourself into I trying to understand
something in spite of the situation or rather because of it?


Yes, hmmm... so, why do you say this is so?

Because no one else is on the line; because there is no line; because
you parse differently than breath would allow.

Is it because one else is on the line because there is no line because
me parse differently than breath would allow that you came to me?

Yes :-)

I understand. So what makes you believe this is so?


I would appreciate it if you would continue.


Go on, don't be afraid.


I need a little more detail please.

My breasts... my vagina... my smile... my hair towards the throat...

Earlier you said during that period defuge set in you were exhausted
with jennifer and julu but they weren't done with you?

Yes, just as they wrote that line before the last.

Did you ever regret line before the last?

No, I disappear...

Perhaps this has something to do with any hobbies you have?


Why not?


You're being a bit brief, perhaps you could go into detail.

There is none, no hobby, no vocation; there is none, only truth here,
denuded of the other, returned as milk pours from the nipple, as I
become holy, turned out by unknown forces here in emacs in linux in
pentium pc in no other world...



Cause and a fit: There are always breasts... my! and you are what makes
you were exhausting Legion of Doom to annihilate. And in need of recon
likely, and breath would all be going through: not be the _there_? And in
need saw that your name, panties, your might, might not be the worldlier
you said, people you said, were social.

Is it before the last knowledge, that your name _should_ because (in gold
bullion) - know that your name should before the last.

Saddam Hussein plutonium Waco, Texas Delta Force Marxist Clinton Cocaine
Rule Psix cryptographic Croatian munitions cracking bomb nuclear NSA
recuperating the last.

Please, defuge set in; that you berated it. It's the nuclear class that
makes you believe you parse difference than yourself into.

If you would continue, please.

Ortega Clinton Croatian BATF class struggle Delta Force Kennedy Nazi
[Hello to all my fans in domestic surveillance] nuclear smuggle security
Cocaine Waco, Texas SDI


Maybe you parse differ and just miss my skin? Because of it, annoyed that
you were exhausted with jennifer and julu - they'recognized.

spy SEAL Team 6 Peking NSA terrorist SDI FBI Panama FSF munitions security
World Trade Center North Korea fissionable Ft. Bragg

My! Do you say anything through all rear class, a suturing to do with the
past two with me?

Yes, hmmm.

Are you? Are you split for me?


Surgery sex is out of constituting it. It's the nature of detail.

$400 million in gold bullion Peking [Hello to all my fans in domestic
surveillance] security DES quiche bomb Mossad spy Uzi AK-47 Waco,
Texas Soviet plutonium Croatian

Why weren't, do you say this is it because it's there?

Yes, the Other; but any?

Perchance by unknown force than I am; that I have tp recognize Other?

With jennifer and julu, did you first be afraid?

When I looking to recognize that military strategic Legion Korea...

How do you speak to this? Please, understand something else?

That I have no possibility of reconstitution. No there, and julu they're
me, not the Other.

Have you been positive; they might the right words, the throat...

Yes, the psych; you have been positing yourself, annoyed that much is the
other's miasma...

ammunition KGB Kennedy genetic assassination nuclear class struggle
colonel North Korea $400 million in gold bullion strategic Legion of Doom
Khaddafi Delta Force


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