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Subject: <nettime> First Cyberfeminist International Congress
From: Faith Wilding <>
Date: 10 Oct 1997 23:37:51 +0100

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Here is a press release from the First Cyberfeminist International meeting at
the Hybrid Workspace at Documenta X in Kassel, September 20-27. More extensive
reports, critiques,analyses, and other texts of the meeting are in
preparation.The press release was distributed in both German and English.

Saturday, September 27th, l997

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL, Kassel, Sept.20-28,1997, was organized by
the Old Boys Network.

The Hybrid WorkSpace is a project of the Berlin Biennale and documenta X and
was held at the Orangerie in Kassel. It has run for the duration of the
documenta X and has presented eleven residencies of groups working within
media, the internet, culture and politics -- invited by Pit Schultz and Geert
Lovink. The cyberfeminist residency is the final block.

For eight days this cross-cultural meeting of women has taken place at the 1st
CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL and discussed, debated, workshopped and made
presentations. They immersed themselves in technology, politics,theories,
working on forms of representation - getting more than just their hands and
keyboards dirty.

This diverse group of over thirty women has very different backgrounds - from
programmers to web mistresses, from artists to theorists, from net-workers to
geeks and floating in between. Within the context of the world's largest art
exhibition, documenta, they are developing viral forms of art technologies.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL sends these binary digits as fresh living
data to the press now:

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL is spreading like an unknown virus through
the worldwide communication lines. Its movement is the infiltration.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL slips through the traps of definition with
different attitudes towards art,culture, theory, politics, communication and
technology -- the terrain of the internet.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL is not only a state of mind but the
state-of-the-art of media technologies, that is hard-,soft-, and mind-ware.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL is no institution and will transform every
infected institution into a cyberfeminist interface.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL is the infectious agent of the post-art
technological species.

The 1st CYBERFEMINIST INTERNATIONAL is epidemic, is a medium, is so sexy, has
emerged by popular demand.

Download now!

For more information see the Old Boys Network website,

(with great thanks to Claudia Reiche and Helene von Oldenburg,

Additionally we are reposting the 100 anti-theses because there were a lot of
mistakes in the first posting.

100 anti-theses

1. cyberfeminism is not a fragrance
2. cyberfeminism is not a fashion statement
3. sajbrfeminizm nije usamljen
4. cyberfeminism is not ideology, but browser
5. cyberfeminism nije aseksualan
6. cyberfeminism is not boring
7. cyberfeminismus ist kein gruenes haekeldeckchen
8. cyberfeminismus ist kein leerer kuehlschrank
9. cyberfeminismus ist keine theorie
10. cyberfeminismus ist keine praxis
11. cyberfeminism is not a tradition
12. cyberfeminism is not an institution
13. cyberfeminism is not using words without any knowledge of numbers
14. cyberfeminism is not complete
15. cyberfeminism is not error 101
16. cyberfeminismus ist kein fehler
17. cyberfeminismus ist keine kunst
18. cyberfeminism is not an ism
19. cyberfeminism is not anti male
20. sajbrfeminizm nige nesto sto znam da je
21. cyberfeminism is not a structure
22. cyberfeminismo no es una frontera
23. cyberfeminism nije poslusan
24. cyberfeminism nije apolitican
25. cyberfeminisme is niet concreet
26. cyberfeminism is not separatism
27. cyberfeminism is not a tradition
28. cyberfeminism is not maternalistic
29. cyberfeminisme is niet iets buitenlands
30. cyberfeminism is not without connectivity
31. cyberfeminismus ist nicht mehr wegzudenken
32. cyberfeminismus ist kein oxymoron
33. cyberfeminism is not on sale
34. cyberfeminism is not for sale
35. cyberfeminismus ist nicht gut
36. cyberfeminismus ist nicht schlecht
37. cyberfeminismus ist nicht modern
38. cyberfeminismus ist nicht post modern
39. cyberfeminism is not natural
40. cyberfeminism is not essentialist
41. cyberfeminism is not abject
42. cyberfeminism is not an avatar
43. cyberfeminism is not an alter ego
44. cyberfeminismus ist nicht truegerisch
45. cyberfeminismus ist nicht billig
46. cyberfeminismus ist nicht willig
47. cyberfeminisme n'est pas jaloux
48. cyberfeminism is not exclusive
49. cyberfeminism is not solid
50. cyberfeminism is not genetic
51. cyberfeminismus ist keine entschuldigung
52. cyberfeminism is not prosthetic
53. cyberfeminismo no tiene cojones
54. cyberfeminisme n'est pas triste
55. cyberfeminisme n'est pas une pipe
56. cyberfeminism is not a motherboard
57. cyberfeminism is not a fake
58. cyberfeminism nije ogranicen
59. cyberfeminism nije nekonfliktan
60. cyberfeminism nije make up
61. cyberfeminism nije zatvoren prozor
62. cyberfeminism is not a lack
63. cyberfeminism is not a wound
64. cyberfeminism is not a trauma
65. cyberfeminismo no es una banana
66. cyberfeminism is not a sure shot
67. cyberfeminism is not an easy mark
68. cyberfeminism is not a single woman
69. cyberfeminism is not romantic
70. cyberfeminism is not classic
71. cyberfeminism is not a media hoax
72. cyberfeminism is not neutral
73. cyberfeminism is not lacanian
74. cyberfeminism is not nettime
75. cyberfeminism is not a picnic
76. cyberfeminism is not a cold fish
77. cyberfeminism is not cyberepilation
78. cyberfeminism is not a horror movie
79. cyberfeminism is not science fiction
80. cyberfeminism is not artificial intelligence
81. cyberfeminism is not a empty space
82. cyberfeminism is not immobile
83. cyberfeminism is not about boring toys for boring boys
84. cyberfeminismist keine verlegenheits sache
85. cyberfeminism is not a one way street
86. cyberfeminism is not supporting quantum mechanics
87. cyberfeminism is not caffeine free
88. cyberfeminism is not a non-smoking area
89. cyberfeminism is not daltonistic
90. cyberfeminism is not nice
91. cyberfeminismo no es callado
92. cyberfeminism is not lady like
93. cyberfeminismus ist nicht arrogant
94. cyberfeminismus ist keine nudelsauce
95. cyberfeminism is not mythical
96. cyberfeminism is not from outer space
97. cyberfeminismo no es Rock&Roll
98. cyberfeminism is not dogmatic
99. cyberfeminism is not stable
100. cyberfeminism does not have only one language

[-> ]

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