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Subject: <nettime> Remaking Social Practices
From: "David S. Bennahum" <>
Date: 10 Oct 1997 23:38:51 +0100

* * * * *

Precedence: bulk

Dear Nettimers,

I got the following message from Frank Hartmann <>

>Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 16:14:05 +0100

>Hello David,
>further to your <nettime> posting - Guattari is long dead but anyway,
>thanks for the information on Licklider. The Rheingold link to "Tools
>for Thought" does not work on your page. Is there any altnernative?

The updated link for this book, which I strongly recommend you visit, if you're curious about the early history of the Internet, especially its ideological foundations, is the following:

As for Mr. Guittari's death-- yes, I am aware of his present condition. But "his" post was sent to Nettime "From: Felix Guattari <>" I replied in kind, "To: Felix Guattari <>." Perhaps his ghost is alive in
the machine, or at least somewhere


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