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Subject: networks and identities
From: "valéry grancher" <>
Date: 10 Nov 1997 19:37:57 GMT

* * * * *

Networks and Identities

More often identifications questions are subjected to topographicals
perceptions : Persons are divided through sexuals "topoï"; and in
collective conscioussness it isn't a matter of behavourial, mental and
social identity.
Otherwise through the new media networks, a very subtil game is starting
through various transferences and identifications phenomenon. On forums we
can't know who are our partners : men, women, transexuals, or everything.
In this context we can't talk about collective identities, but severals
hazy host are connecting, are moving, constituated by various persons who
doesn't want to be known . Identity is appearing through flux, exchanges,
disappearances and various games. Identity in this space built on real time
is now a fluctuative fractality. The pesrpective point can't be identified
as the identity point, they are pulsating. I prefer to speak about surfing
alterities than about hidden identities.
In this game, sexual, pleasure question are becoming an insolvent enigma
miror of a new schizophrénia.
These exchanges games and new spaces seem to be our world reflect, its
reality . The reality has its own image, its own language and that's why
sometimes we are speaking about virtual reality, but on this point we are
making an error: In optical domain, virtuality is always the reality
symmetry. In our field this symmetry is missing, it is an additional
screen, a layer on reality: " une surréalité".
When we are speaking about individuals, about others, the question about
collectivity is coming. But in these media spaces, collectivity is a
fractality, a nebula. We are missing for an alterity not identified. A nice
and soft intoxication is felt : to be, to seem, to disapear. From this
game, a suffering is born : To be the emptiness like a birth in front of
language ...

Text by Valery Grancher from his web project "No memory":

"No memory" project is developped in my solo exhibit context at the CAPC
Musee d'art contemporain de Bordeaux in France (la galerie du musee) March
28 1997 - March 28 1998. A web installation is working there "Obsessions":

This project is also hosted by the Ars Electronica Center at Linz
"Futurelab artists in residence" : Agust 1997 - February 1998

Current project is called "Ixy" :

Current contribution at D*A*M:

Valery Grancher

Manager of Seuil Multimedia : Multimedia department of the french
publishing company 'Le Seuil'
53, rue de seine
75006 Paris
phone: + 33 6 11 67 18 74