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Subject: <nettime> announcer 12a
From: announcer <>
Date: 5 Dec 1997 13:35:44 +0100

* * * * *

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NETTIME'S WEEKLY ANNOUNCER - every friday into your inbox -
inform to be informed and send your PR to in
0.......1........2........3........4........5........6........7........8 98 [7-11]
3...SysLab Fellowship Announcement....CEU Systems Laboratory Fellowship
4...Beth Jones........................Conference announcement
5...Station Rose......................Newsletter 12.97


Subject: Cyberstar 98

Shared Visions - Cyberstar '98: International competition for interactive

bodies responsible:
WDR Cologne, Germany and GMD - German Research Center for Communication
Technology, Sankt Augustin

Cyberstar aims at creating new interactive ways of communication which
reflect and utilize today's state of technology from an artistic and
creative point of view. The competition supports cooperation between
artists, designers, media and computer experts.

Concepts for interactive scenarios in the categories television, internet
and stage will be awarded with prizes totalling to DM 35.000. The first
prize includes a work term of six months at the GMD where the submitted
concept can be realized.

Submission deadline for Cyberstar 98 is March 31st 1998.

Further information and submission guidelines:

Germany - 50600 Cologne

phone: +49-221-220-6728, fax -6252


From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Y.we=81=22?=" <>
Subject: Re: [7-11]

>Entrance Fee: bring food

OPEN TO SUBMISSION - an extended use of chewing gum in art.

notes to the effervescent self:

with the midas touch we=81 turn all to gold and starve to death.
a killing of a muse.
not enough quality, not enough difference.
too much access, too much network.
no me, no response.
the object is to inspire. the subject is to express.
be an original. don't be a phoney (even if that is your subject).
interact or extra-act?

at the 7-11 there was always a bus stop - and we ride it still.

the exploration of this enjoyment is over.
(find another word which starts with e told to you at LIFE one day)
learn a language that is not an abstraction of ideas.
try to make something __________
which after its consumption
(if we should be so lucky)
survives for later scrutiny.

look past the referential self.

after all, when does a sample become unrecognizable?
when a structure lived in?
when an idea inspiring?
when a being present?
when a footnote printed?
when a response justified?

why create a genre this early in the game?

Prominte. Ja sem Jeremias. Mluvin mimo poradi.


From: SysLab Fellowship Announcement <>
Subject: CEU Systems Laboratory Fellowship


Research Fellowship Opportunities at the Complex Adaptive Systems
Central European University
Budapest, Hungary

The Complex Adaptive Systems Laboratory at Central European University is
seeking candidates to participate in our program of research. Our focus is
on agent-based computer simulations of complex social systems. We study
systems involving economics, sociology, history, political science, legal
studies, environmental policy and related fields.

We are seeking collaborators from Central and Eastern Europe and the
Soviet Union. We have several possible ways to bring candidates to our

Doctoral Support Program -- candidates for the PhD at Universities in the
region who will carry out social system simulations in the Systems Lab as
part of their thesis research

Doctoral Fellowships -- for candidates who apply and are admitted to PhD
programs at CEU, who work jointly with the Systems Lab and the particular
CEU Department.

Post-Doctoral Fellowships -- candidates with recent PhD's who participate
the Systems Lab's research program in Budapest

Visiting Faculty Research Fellowships -- faculty members at Universities
the region who participate in the Systems Lab's research program in

Independent Researcher Fellowships -- we have the flexibility to bring
outstanding researchers without current University affiliation, who have a
clearly demonstrated abilities in the application of computation to
simulation or visualization.

We are looking for collaborators who can make effective use of the
resources of the Lab to contribute to its research program. Our research
focused on
(1) developing user-friendly modeling environments for the creation of
agent-based models of social systems, including web-based interface with
the simulation environment, very fast simulation engines utilizing
massively-parallel virtual architectures, and advanced 3-D visualizations
of the parameter space of the simulations.
(2) collaboration with social scientists to work at the state of the art
creating agent-based models of social systems. These include systems of
concern to economics, political science, sociology, history, archaeology,
international relations, legal studies, environmental science and policy.

An appropriate research collaborator would fall into one of two classes:

(1) must possess demonstrated outstanding computer programming skills and
experience along with education, interest and/or experience in a social
system science. Applicants in this category must have strong abilities in
C, C++ or Objective C, Java, and operating systems including Unix (Linux),
Windows NT or Macintosh OS a plus. VRML and/or Silicon Graphics
Visualization software experience is necessary for those interested in


(2) must be currently active in social systems research, an interest
experience in computer simulation, and have good computer skills.
Post-Doctoral and Independent Scientist applicants in this category should
have recent publications of their work in social systems, PhD students
should describe their thesis proposal in one of the social sciences.
Research in this category explores the application of agent-based
simulation to social systems, including using insights from cognitive
science, psychology, linguistics, and related fields.

We use the SWARM agent-based modeling environment in Objective-C.
and aCe, an architecture-independent extension of C for massively parallel

Application Procedure: Applicants should send by email or fax:

1 - Cover sheet with Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Email and other contact
2 - A Curriculum Vitae including educational background, description of
past research projects, work experience and computer experience.
3 - A two page (500 -750 words) statement describing your research
interests in general, and the sort of research question you would like to
pursue during your fellowship. Include appropriate bibliographic
4 - The names of two or three professional references with their contact

A full CEU application form will be sent by postal mail to candidates who
pass an initial selection.

Stipends: The stipends for PhD students and Post-doctoral fellows are
equivalent to the normal student stipend at CEU. In the case of Visiting
Faculty higher stipends are provided.

Application Deadline: Applications will be reviewed on a revolving basis
starting 15 January 1997. Applications are welcome after that date;
earlier applicants will have greater likelihood of success.

Submission of Applications:
Applications and supporting material may be submitted electronically to:

They may also be sent to our fax machine: ++ 36-1-327-3888 in Budapest

Otherwise mail applications to:

Dr. John B. Corliss
Systems Laboratory - Fellowship Application
Central European University
Kerepesi ut 87
H-1106 Budapest, Hungary

Further information about the Systems Lab and this program is available


From: Beth Jones <>
Subject: Conference announcement

Moving the Economy:
Economic Opportunities in Sustainable Transportation

An International Conference
July 9 - 12, 1998 (Note new dates!)
Toronto, Canada


Moving the Economy is about:

Sustainable Transportation
Exploring the economic advantages of:
* efficient transit;
* sustainable freight and delivery systems;
* pedestrian- and cycling-friendly design;
* urban green tourism;
* telework and teleconferencing;
* and many other sustainable transportation systems,
policies, and technologies.

Economic Revitalization
Gathering success stories from around the world
where sustainable transportation has:
* generated retail sales;
* stimulated new business;
* created jobs;
* saved money;
* kept money circulating locally;
* converted ailing industries to thriving

Innovative Solutions
Combining global expertise, stakeholder input, and
conference participation to produce the Economic
Action Plan for Sustainable Transportation:
* a concrete economic development strategy for
sustainable transportation in Toronto and other
urban centres;
* a compilation of workable solutions to economic
and environmental issues;
* an agenda of targets and timelines for job
creation and new business development.

Creative partnerships
Developing productive and lucrative relationships
among new and established partners, Moving the
Economy will be relevant for anyone interested in
developing their business or revitalizing their
urban economy while promoting environmental
sustainability. Participants will include people
involved in
* planning * cycling and blading
* manufacturing * labour
* public transit * environmentalism
* delivery * economics
* economic development * transportation policy
* freight * tourism
* telecommunications * community revitalization
* retail * research

Success Stories
Stimulating plenaries, workshops, and forums will
explore international success stories and their
concrete applications to Toronto and other urban

Dynamic trade displays and exhibits will highlight
innovative technologies, launch new initiatives,
showcase demonstration projects, and expand sales.

Specially organized tours will offer first-hand
experience of Toronto's growing range of sustainable
transportation services, infrastructure, and



Technological Innovations:
Greener fleets, better transit, telework, video

Urban Design:
The economics of effective planning for sustainable

Job Creation and Economic Development:
Policy innovations and investment options that
generate employment and economic activity through
sustainable transportation.

Transit, Trains and Alternative Freight Options:
Economic opportunities in mass transport and
alternative goods distribution.

Creating Community Jobs, Meeting Community Needs:
Developing small businesses, walk and bike delivery
services, car-pooling, community buses, car sharing,
neighbourhood green tourism, etc.

Urban Green Tourism:
Growing markets and new opportunities.

Human Power:
The many markets and services in cycling, blading,
and other non-motorized transport.

Marketing and Communications:
Strategies for effectively promoting sustainable
transportation services and businesses.

We are still accepting submissions for presentations,
workshops, and exhibits. IF YOU HAVE A STORY TO TELL


Visit our website at where you
can request a registration kit or submit a proposal on-

Or, you can contact us at:
Moving The Economy
c/o Urban Development Services
12th Floor East Tower
City Hall, 100 Queen St. West
Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5H 2N2
Phone: (416) 392-1560 x 85854
Fax: (416) 392-0071


From: (Station Rose)
Subject: Station Rose-Newsletter 12.97

*welcome back!
*here we are with fresh news :
* A) production of the new vinyl & video "TREE".
*B) another update of our homepage.
*C) a lecture on " ART AND MUSIC IN THE NET" at
Fachhochschule Frankurt.
* D) the ELECTRIC MINDS community & the "Frankfurt

*A) As native multimedia artists, one of our aims is to author once &
publish everywhere.
So here are the latest results-

o o o T R E E by STATION ROSE o o o

o Released Monday, 24th November 1997 o

o on SONY/S3 o

o 12" VINYL - 4 tracks o

o VIDEO 1 track (TV hi-res) o

o WEB-VIDEO 1 track (Internet lo-res) o

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
o o

Having produced 4 CD ROMs & 5 CDs till now, we thought its time
for another
round of multimedia, et voil:
4 new music tracks on shiny vinyl, plus video.

The musical style can be described as digital psychedelic, and
the genres
on the 4 tracks ("Vaya Con...", "U.B. on Mars?", "Tree",
"Liverpool") range from
techno to exotic.

The videoclip for the title track, "Tree", was produced
entirely in our
multimediastudio. The clip contains abstract oscillating
patterns, a live sequence from our
last Frankfurt- gig, as well as nanoglimpses of the Gunafa
in person, shot on appropriate location at Weimar, Germany.

-> <> or <>
-> go to
<> to
see the
WEB-VIDEO, in realvideo format.

*Press *: For a promo copy of "Tree" or further details on
STATION ROSE (including back catalogue) please
contact <Tania_Cappelluti@Sonymusic.Com>.


*B) Another Update of our Homepage <>

as we all know, updating homepages can be a lot of "unpaid" work - yes, we
but, is this a reason not to do it ? not for us, when at the same time it
keeps the neurons busy. trying to apply some special html codes, used
before or never used before, as well as creating new art, gif-anis &
XS-soundloops, provides enough Lustgewinn.


at Fachhochschule Frankurt

Station Rose is invited by the Fachbereich Sozial- und
Kulturwissenschaften / FH Frankfurt
to give a lecture on "Multimedia Art & Music in the Internet".
Date: December 4th, 6p.m.
Location: BCN-Caf, Nibelungenplatz 1-3, Frankfurt.

We will show & play examples of our art and music, and talk about
experiences we made as a "multimedia - band" on from 1988, when Station
Rose was founded.
We will demonstrate Electric Minds as an example of an online community.
We will talk about diverse sites from artists, musicians and media

* D) the ELECTRIC MINDS community & the "Frankfurt Conference"

Since november 96 Station Rose are Hosts of the Frankfurt Conference (as
part of World Wide Jam Conversations).
As you may know, Electric Minds has moved, and we arrived at the 2nd level
with those who came along ! Our primary focus still is the creation &
facilitation of online conversation between Electric Minders from all over
the world. Discussions on what looks interesting in Germany and Austria,
as well as global and abstract topics can be found in our conference. We
are talking about an Online Community here, which makes transparent a
bodyless kind of communication, giving new perspectives as well as showing
mistakes, while enabling the participants to post graphics, sounds, text
and links.
Interested ?
If yes, log on, come in, and post.
(Instructions can be found at <>.)

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