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Subject: <nettime> Digital Diploma Mills
Date: 19 Dec 1997 11:47:22 +0100

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Digital Diploma Mills: The Automation of Higher Education

David F. Noble October, 1997

Recent events at two large North American universities signal
dramatically that we have entered a new era in higher education,
one which is rapidly drawing the halls of academe into the age of
automation. In mid- summer the UCLA administration launched its
historic "Instructional Enhancement Initiative" requiring computer
web sites for all of its arts and sciences courses by the start
of the Fall term, the first time that a major university has made
mandatory the use of computer telecommunications technology in the
delivery of higher education. In partnership with several private
corporations (including the Times Mirror Company, parent of the
Los Angeles Times), moreover, UCLA has spawned its own for-profit
company, headed by a former UCLA vice chancellor, to peddle online
education (the Home Education Network).

This past spring in Toronto, meanwhile, the full-time
faculty of York University, Canada's third largest, ended an historic
two-month strike having secured for the first time anywhere formal
contractual protection against precisely the kind of administrative
action being taken by UCLA. The unprecedented faculty job action,
the longest university strike in English Canadian history, was
taken partly in response to unilateral administrative initiatives in
the implementation of instructional technology, the most egregious
example of which was an official solicitation to private corporations
inviting them to permanently place their logo on a university
online course in return for a $10,000 contribution to courseware
development. As at UCLA, the York University administration has
spawned its own subsidiary (Cultech), directed by the vice president
for research and several deans and dedicated, in collaboration with a
consortium of private sector firms, to the commercial development and
exploitation of online education.

Significantly, at both UCLA and York, the presumably
cyber-happy students have given clear indication that they are not
exactly enthusiastic about the prospect of a high-tech academic
future, recommending against the Initiative at UCLA and at York
lending their support to striking faculty and launching their own
independent investigation of the commercial, pedagogical, and ethical
implications of online educational technology. This Fall the student
handbook distributed annually to all students by the York Federation
of Students contained a warning about the dangers of online

Thus, at the very outset of this new age of higher
education, the lines have already been drawn in the struggle which
will ultimately determine its shape. On the one side university
administrators and their myriad commercial partners, on the other
those who constitute the core relation of education: students and
teachers. (The chief slogan of the York faculty during the strike
was "the classroom vs the boardroom"). It is no accident, then, that
the high-tech transformation of higher education is being initiated
and implemented from the top down, either without any student and
faculty involvement in the decision-making or despite it. At UCLA
the administration launched their Initiative during the summer when
many faculty are away and there was little possibility of faculty
oversight or governance; faculty were thus left out of the loop
and kept in the dark about the new web requirement until the last
moment. And UCLA administrators also went ahead with its Initiative,
which is funded by a new compulsory student fee, despite the formal
student recommendation against it. Similarly the initiatives of
the York administration in the deployment of computer technology in
education were taken without faculty oversight and deliberation much
less student involvement. What is driving this headlong rush to
implement new technology with so little regard for deliberation of
the pedagogical and economic costs and at the risk of student and
faculty alienation and opposition? A short answer might be the fear
of getting left behind, the incessant pressures of "progress". But
there is more to it. For the universities are not simply undergoing
a technological transformation. Beneath that change, and camouflaged
by it, lies another: the commercialization of higher education.
For here as elsewhere technology is but a vehicle and a disarming

The major change to befall the universities over the last two
decades has been the identification of the campus as a significant
site of capital accumulation, a change in social perception which
has resulted in the systematic conversion of intellectual activity
into intellectual capital and, hence, intellectual property. There
have been two general phases of this transformation. The first,
which began twenty years ago and is still underway, entailed
the commoditization of the research function of the university,
transforming scientific and engineering knowledge into commercially
viable proprietary products that could be owned and bought and sold
in the market. The second, which we are now witnessing, entails
the commoditization of the educational function of the university,
transforming courses into courseware, the activity of instruction
itself into commercially viable proprietary products that can be
owned and bought and sold in the market. In the first phase the
universities became the site of production and sale of patents and
exclusive licenses. In the second, they are becoming the site of
production of - as well as the chief market for - copyrighted videos,
courseware, CD-ROMs, and Web sites.

The first phase began in the mid-1970's when, in the wake of
the oil crisis and intensifying international competition, corporate
and political leaders of the major industrialized countries of
the world recognized that they were losing their monopoly over the
world's heavy industries and that, in the future, their supremacy
would depend upon their monopoly over the knowledge which had become
the lifeblood of the new so-called "knowledge-based" industries
(space, electronics, computers, materials, telecommunications,
and bioengineering). This focus upon "intellectual capital" turned
their attention to the universities as its chief source, implicating
the universities as never before in the economic machinery. In the
view of capital, the universities had become too important to be
left to the universities. Within a decade there was a proliferation
of industrial partnerships and new proprietary arrangements, as
industrialists and their campus counterparts invented ways to
socialize the risks and costs of creating this knowledge while
privatizing the benefits. This unprecedented collaboration gave rise
to an elaborate web of interlocking directorates between corporate
and academic boardrooms and the foundation of joint lobbying efforts
epitomized by the work of the Business-Higher Education Forum.
The chief accomplishment of the combined effort, in addition to a
relaxation of anti-trust regulations and greater tax incentives for
corporate funding of university research, was the 1980 reform of the
patent law which for the first time gave the universities automatic
ownership of patents resulting from federal government grants.
Laboratory knowledge now became patents, that is Intellectual
capital and intellectual property. As patent holding companies, the
universities set about at once to codify their intellectual property
policies, develop the infrastructure for the conduct of commercially-
viable research, cultivate their corporate ties, and create the
mechanisms for marketing their new commodity, exclusive licenses
to their patents. The result of this first phase of university
commoditization was a wholesale reallocation of university resources
toward its research function at the expense of its educational

Class sizes swelled, teaching staffs and instructional resources
were reduced, salaries were frozen, and curricular offerings were
cut to the bone. At the same time, tuition soared to subsidize
the creation and maintenance of the commercial infrastructure (and
correspondingly bloated administration) that has never really paid
off. In the end students were paying more for their education and
getting less, and the campuses were in crisis.*

The second phase of the commercialization of academia, the
commoditization of instruction, is touted as the solution to
the crisis engendered by the first. Ignoring the true sources of
the financial debacle - an expensive and low-yielding commercial
infrastructure and greatly expanded administrative costs - the
champions of computer-based instruction focus their attention rather
upon increasing the efficiencies of already overextended teachers.
And they ignore as well the fact that their high-tech remedies
are bound only to compound the problem, increasing further, rather
then reducing, the costs of higher education. (Experience to
date demonstrates clearly that computer-based teaching, with its
limitless demands upon instructor time and vastly expanded overhead
requirements - equipment, upgrades, maintenance, and technical and
administrative support staff - costs more not less than traditional
education, whatever the reductions in direct labor, hence the need
for outside funding and student technology fees). Little wonder,
then, that teachers and students are reluctant to embrace this new
panacea. Their hesitation reflects not fear but wisdom.**

But this second transformation of higher education is not
the work of teachers or students, the presumed beneficiaries of
improved education, because it is not really about education at
all. That's just the name of the market. The foremost promoters of
this transformation are rather the vendors of the network hardware,
software, and "content" - Apple, IBM, Bell, the cable companies,
Microsoft, and the edutainment and publishing companies Disney,
Simon and Schuster, Prentice-Hall, et al - who view education as a
market for their wares, a market estimated by the Lehman Brothers
investment firm potentially to be worth several hundred billion
dollars. "Investment opportunity in the education industry has
never been better," one of their reports proclaimed, indicating that
this will be "the focus industry" for lucrative investment in the
future, replacing the healthcare industry. (The report also forecasts
that the educational market will eventually become dominated by
EMO's - education maintenance organizations - just like HMO's in
the healthcare market). It is important to emphasize that, for all
the democratic rhetoric about extending educational access to those
unable to get to the campus, the campus remains the real market for
these products, where students outnumber their distance learning
counterparts six-to-one.

In addition to the vendors, corporate training advocates
view online education as yet another way of bringing their problem-
solving, information- processing, "just-in-time" educated employees
up to profit- making speed. Beyond their ambitious in-house training
programs, which have incorporated computer-based instructional
methods pioneered by the military, they envision the transformation
of the delivery of higher education as a means of supplying their
properly-prepared personnel at public expense .

The third major promoters of this transformation are the
university administrators, who see it as a way of giving their
institutions a fashionably forward-looking image. More importantly,
they view computer-based instruction as a means of reducing their
direct labor and plant maintenance costs - fewer teachers and
classrooms - while at the same time undermining the autonomy and
independence of faculty. At the same time, they are hoping to get a
piece of the commercial action for their institutions or themselves,
as vendors in their own right of software and content. University
administrators are supported in this enterprise by a number of
private foundations, trade associations, and academic-corporate
consortia which are promoting the use of the new technologies with
increasing intensity. Among these are the Sloan, Mellon, Pew, and
Culpeper Foundations, the American Council on Education, and, above
all, Educom, a consortium representing the management of 600 colleges
and universities and a hundred private corporations.

Last but not least, behind this effort are the ubiquitous
technozealots who simply view computers as the panacea for
everything, because they like to play with them. With the avid
encouragement of their private sector and university patrons, they
forge ahead, without support for their pedagogical claims about
the alleged enhancement of education, without any real evidence
of productivity improvement, and without any effective demand from
either students or teachers.

In addition to York and UCLA, universities throughout North
America are rapidly being overtaken by this second phase of
commercialization. There are the stand-alone virtual institutions
like University of Phoenix, the wired private institutions like the
New School for Social Research, the campuses of state universities
like the University of Maryland and the new Gulf-Coast campus of
the University of Florida (which boasts no tenure). On the state
level, the states of Arizona and California have initiated their own
state-wide virtual university projects, while a consortia of western
"Smart States" have launched their own ambitious effort to wire all
of their campuses into an online educational network. In Canada, a
national effort has been undertaken, spearheaded by the Telelearning
Research Network centered at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver,
to bring most of the nation's higher education institutions into a
"Virtual U" network.

The overriding commercial intent and market orientation
behind these initiatives is explicit, as is illustrated by
the most ambitious U.S. effort to date, the Western Governors'
Virtual University Project, whose stated goals are to "expand
the marketplace for instructional materials, courseware, and
programs utilizing advanced technology," "expand the marketplace
for demonstrated competence," and "identify and remove barriers to
the free functioning of these markets, particularly barriers posed
by statutes, policies, and administrative rules and regulations."

"In the future," Utah governor Mike Leavitt proclaimed, "an
institution of higher education will become a little like a local
television station." Start up funds for the project come from the
private sector, specifically from Educational Management Group, the
educational arm of the world's largest educational publisher Simon
and Schuster and the proprietary impulse behind their largesse is
made clear by Simon and Schuster CEO Jonathan Newcomb: "The use
of interactive technology is causing a fundamental shift away from
the physical classroom toward anytime, anywhere learning - the
model for post secondary education in the twenty- first century."
This transformation is being made possible by "advances in digital
technology, coupled with the protection of copyright in cyberspace."

Similarly, the national effort to develop the "Virtual U"
customized educational software platform in Canada is directed
by an industrial consortium which includes Kodak, IBM, Microsoft,
McGraw- Hill, Prentice-Hall, Rogers Cablesystems, Unitel, Novasys,
Nortel, Bell Canada, and MPR Teltech, a research subsidiary of
GTE. The commercial thrust behind the project is explicit here too.
Predicting a potential fifty billion dollar Canadian market, the
project proposal emphasizes the adoption of "an intellectual property
policy that will encourage researchers and industry to commercialize
their innovations" and anticipates the development of "a number of
commercially marketable hardware and software products and services,"
including "courseware and other learning products." The two directors
of the project, Simon Fraser University professors, have formed
their own company to peddle these products in collaboration with
the university. At the same time, the nearby University of British

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