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Subject: <nettime> The writing of history
From: Barbara Jung <>
Date: 23 Dec 1997 14:06:13 +0100

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Michel Certeau's interpretation of the writing of history as repetition
and construction reminds of the restrictions to create a web site's
background: no breaks to be seen, no beginning nor end.
This series of pages visualizes his (and others') paradigm
of the act of forming a whole out of heterogeneous elements, asking if
a (simultaneous) repetition in space can ever work like a repetition
in time, but showing a structure using hidden and unified edges to
construct a continuity similar to temporal sequences.
Does our perception and narration of periods of time also build a
(restricted) pattern, and what are its conditions?
The ornament of temporal perception repeats itself while you scroll
through the patterns.

Barbara Jung

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