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Subject: <nettime> Re: Kosovo
From: Van Heteren Adrienne <>
Date: 10 Mar 1998 11:45:04 +0100

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Precedence: bulk

dear Becha and other yugo nettimers,

I seriously do not understand where the thousands of demonstrators who
were on the streets before, are now. Where are the angry websites, the
netcalls, the chats, the links etc. What are you all doing now? Is
this suddenly only a matter of nice but marginal groups like Women in
Black or the Peace School. Is Kosovo too far away or too different?
Or maybe simply not important enough?
Adrienne van Heteren

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Kosovo
Author: (Vesna Manojlovic) at SMTP
Date: 3/9/98 9:42 PM


On 7th March, in Belgrade, on main square, sometimes called Republic
sometimes Liberty, "Center for Anti-war Action" and "Woman in black"
organized protest stand against war in Kosovo.
Less then 200 people were present. Mostly women, but also some men were
holding transparents with texts: "Stop war", "Albanians are our sisters"...
Woman in black had some leaflets (i will translate&send them soon), some
photo-reporters were there also..

I was there with about 30 other young people from Peace School - we just
came from Montenegro one day ago, and we were very concerned about new
violence that is taking place on Kosovo, and afraid that our efforts to
re-establish cooperation between our different countries and nations will
become even more difficult.

news from (03/08/98-1)


The Union of Kosovo Women will join the dissenting
chorus at noon on Sunday over last week's civilian
deaths in the Drenica region. They announced their
protest on Saturday which will also be held outside
the U.S. Cultural Center.


sad, tired, confused, worried

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