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Subject: <nettime> on the adilkno text archive
From: (geert lovink)
Date: 16 Mar 1998 09:57:10 +0100

* * * * *

Precedence: bulk

The Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge (Adilkno, Bilwet
in dutch, Agentur Bilwet in german - Amsterdam, 1983) proudly presents:

(with the help of Walter van der Cruijsen)

In this text archive in three languages you can find entire books, some
paitings, interviews, essays, a photo of the group, lost and found files,
and works of the individual members. Recently, a small booklet appeared in
german called 'Elektronische Einsamkeit'. These are 12 recent essays. The
people who do not read german should not worry: almost all these text can
be found in the upcoming 'World Edition' of Adilkno's Media Archive, which
will appear in april in New York (Autonomedia). We will send an
announcement when the book is really available. Simultaneously, the second
print of the Medienarchiv appears in Bollman Verlag (in german) and also
in april we will celibrate the croatian edition, published by Arkzin in
Zagreb. A Japanese edition is also under way, edited by Toshiya Ueno.
This list gives you an idea of the content of the archive. Only the
english material has been selected here.

Bilwet/Agentur Bilwet/Adilkno

* Bilwet in het Nederlands
o Bewegingsleer *Het*hele*boek*
o De Datadandy *Het*complete*floppy*
* Adilkno in english
o Cracking the Movement *The*Whole*Book*
o The Media Archive *The*Whole*Book*
* Agentur Bilwet auf Deutsch
o Elektronische Einsamkeit *Nicht das ganze Buch*
o Der Datendandy *Das ganze Buch*
o Medienarchiv *Das ganze Buch*
* Tekst en beeld van Basjan van Stam
* Teksten van Arjen Mulder
* Teksten van Lex Wouterloot
* Teksten van Geert Lovink (english, deutsch, nederlands)
* Texte von Geert Lovink und Pit Schultz (deutsch)


Adilkno in english

The Media Archive *The*Whole*Book

Cracking the Movement *The*Whole*Book*
Squatting beyond the media

Contemporary Nihilism
On Innocence Organised
La societe des debacles
Critique of Bastard Knowledge
The Extramedial
Theory of the Sovereign Media
Sailing away to end of the datascapes
The Dominant Ear
Hardware, Software, Wetware
The Socialist's Media
Socialism as storage movement
Wetware: Theoretical Fashion
The short version
The DFM-Deformulator
Chris Swart about his computer program
What is the Bilwet-Museum?
Visit Reality Park Romania
And enjoy Draculaland!

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