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Subject: <nettime> case closed
From: t byfield <>
Date: 31 Mar 1998 05:03:57 +0200

* * * * *

Precedence: bulk

[Headers edited. Please note that the PGP signature did *not* check out;
almost certainly a Finnish<->US charset and/or UNIX<->Mac problem, but
my apologies if it's a forgery or a fake. What with this and "Spamford"
Wallace getting socked with a US$2M bill for spamming, this is a signi-
ficant--and, amazingly, good--week. So far. As Danilo Kis put it in _A
Tomb for Boris Davidovitch_: "So much for the past." Now onward... --T]

From: (Peik J Str=1Amsholm) <--ASCII 154
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,,,
Subject: case closed!
Followup-To: alt.religion.scientology
Date: 31 Mar 1998 01:17:41 +0300
Organization: University of Vaasa
Message-ID: <6fp5m5$>


The criminal investigation into the reposting of Scamizdat #11
through during March 1996 has been closed by the
Helsinki Police Department. The case -- which involved secret
Scientology "scriptures" -- was investigated as a minor copyright
offence, with a statute of limitation of two years. Since they
couldn't get enough evidence for an indictment in two years, the
case is now closed. As a result of this the information from the
investigation is now public.

During the investigation, operator Johan "Julf"
Helsingius was heard as a witness. He was asked to reveal the
anon id's used, but refused. A legal battle followed. Finally
Julf was ordered by the courts to reveal the accounts; the
Supreme Court of Finland refused to hear his case and the
decision of the Court of Appeals of Helsinki became final.

According to a Helsinki PD document 3300/RTP/R/110659/96
Helsingius gave the police the following information: =3D =3D

This information was sent by Helsingius to the Helsinki PD by fax
from Amsterdam on November the 11th, 1997.

The Helsinki PD sent the Finnish Scientology lawyer Jussi Savonen
a letter dated 15.01.1998 with this information. In this letter,
reference is made to earlier phone conversations between Mr.
Savonen and police officer Harri Pulkkinen.

According to the police investigation, Internic has showed that
the contact info for in California is:

Community Connexion (C5-DOM)
1212 Broadway Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94612

During brief discussions about this on the irc channel
#scientology, it was suggested (after dejanews searches etc) that
the accounts may have used a series of web systems that allowed
posting anonymous material.

The Finnish police has also sent an informal request for
information to, "since similar
material has been posted through this machine":

[this is typed from a printout of an email message, included in the
police record, sent 20.1.1998 to]

Helsinki 20.01.1998

I'm detective sergeant Kari Koskinen from the Criminal Investigation
Department of Helsinki, Finland.
I was asked to get info about two emails that have passed 15.2.1996 and 12.3.1996.

At this point all I need to know is if you have any logfile of that
period of time and who was the operater of this server at that
particular time.

I thank you for your time - and possible further co-operation?
If you care to respond, please use the email adress below

Kari Koskinen
Helsingin kihlakunnan poliisi/RTU
Pasilanraitio 13, 00240 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358-9-1895163

It would appear the hacktic remailer was contacted for the sole
reason that similar material had been posted through that
remailer. The police did not seem to have any evidence linking
the Scamizdat #11 repost to the hacktic remailer. That's probably
why they sent only an informal email request for information. It
is possible that Scientology asked the police to investigate the
hacktic connection, but there's no direct mention of this in the
records I have seen. The police did not get any information from
hacktic; included in the record are some printouts from the web
relating to the closing of the remailer operated by the Hacktic

The police had also prepared a formal request for help from the
United States, regarding the accounts at The
document - in Finnish - is dated 19.2.1998. Such documents should
be translated by the Finnish Ministry of Justice before being
sent to a foreign country, and since the investigation was closed
16.03.1998, it seems nothing came out of it.

While this article contains the essentials of the situation, I
have also posted most of the relevant documents in Finnish to the
newsgroup sfnet.keskustelu.laki, article reference is

More information about the police investigation may be obtained
from police officer Harri Pulkkinen, phone
+358-(0)9-189 5388, fax +358-(0)9-189 2824.

This is probably the last stage of the legal proceedings
regarding Scamizdat under Finnish law. Like many Scientology
related cases, it has been very unusual.

We can note that Scientology is well known for its abuse of the
legal system. In this case the remailers and the legal resistance
of Johan Helsingius made it impossible for Scientology to find
out the reposter of Scamizdat #11 before the statute of
limitations ended the investigation. If Helsingius had not
appealed, the police could have found out some additional
information about the remailer chain, although it's improbable
that they could have broken the entire list. So once again the
Internet made it impossible for Scientology to use the legal
system to their advantage.

Before this case about Scamizdat #11, the Helsinki PD was
criticized on the Internet because they were once tricked by
Scientology, when the Scientologists claimed that their
scriptures had been "stolen". Helsingius was then forced to give
out the name of some anon ids.

After that it seems the police found out the truth about the
allegations of Scientology. During the Scamizdat proceedings the
Helsinki PD investigated the incident as a minor copyright
offence instead of a theft or a copyright crime.

Because of this the police couldn't get a search warrant for, and they had to start the proceedings about
compelling Helsingius to testify. Accordingly, as it was such a
minor offence, the statute of limitations was two years only,
which ended the investigation without results after the various
legal appeals by Helsingius. So one could say that by
investigating the incident as a minor offence, the Helsinki PD
sort of decided this case -- against Scientology.

The police officer Kaj Malmberg, who handled this case earlier,
was also very helpful and wrote about it on the Finnish legal
newsgroup sfnet.keskustelu.laki. There's no doubt that the police
did their job and investigated the copyright offence as required
by law, but they were also very helpful with information for
people like me who were interested in this unusual case.

After the legal proceedings about anonymous remailers and because
of his general net.presence, Johan Helsingius has been heard by
the Finnish Committee for Reform of Free Speech Legislation (my
translation of Sananvapaustoimikunnan mietint=1A 1997:3). The
proceedings have also been discussed all around the world. It's
obvious that this unusual case has been very important when it
comes to the future of free speech on the Internet.

[crossposted & mailed to a few individuals]

=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D, Student of Theology & Law Student at the U of Helsinki
Disclaimer: Speaking for myself only. Always using PGP to sign articles.
"That which gives light must endure burning" (Unknown)

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