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Subject: <nettime> Patapoe in trouble
Date: 10 Apr 1998 01:44:31 +0200

* * * * *

Precedence: bulk

Secret Press Release
Amsterdam,april 1998

Tuesday April 7th at 16:38 PM, when the legendary program WATTH
was being aired by Patapoe on FM 97.2, the city of Amsterdam
witnessed how this station suddenly disappeared in a loud bang
of noise. The transmitter and its power-feed were confiscated by
the dutch radio controlling police and transported to the
offices of the RDR for destruction. Patapoe was taken off the

After 10 years of exceptional multirational unpredictable radio,
the void in the Amsterdam FM-radio airwaves is choking,
especially considering the abundance of new stations specialised
in computer-controlled programming filled with golden greatest
hits from present and past etcetera.

Need we accept this loss? Surely the 120 Patapoe employees shout
out the right answer: NO! Patapoe will return voluminously and
surprise you with a comeback.

We can use all your support, financial or otherwise, for
returning on air. Contact us through e-mail <>.
For the fans out there: Thanks for all encouraging phone-calls
and fan-mail! That little doggy is wagging its tail over the
Amsterdam airwaves again...Give with grace and generosity:
giro 7773733 name: St. Outcast.

But now, check-out Hoisting the Jolly Roger or The Birth of a
Station: intro to advanced anti-organizational science in theory
and practice... (

T 009, for ptp

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