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Subject: <nettime> announcer 029
From: announcer <>
Date: 10 Apr 1998 19:31:10 +0200

* * * * *

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NETTIME'S WEEKLY ANNOUNCER - every friday into your inbox
send your PR to in time!

1...Ashwani Sharma........Conf: IDENTITY PAPERS: UN-DOING
2...Stem96................Indian Vibes Newsletter April #8 Online. No Action Need Be Taken
4...Yukiko Shikata........ARTLAB exhibition
5...Jos de Mul............DATADREAMS / MORPHEUS' EMBRACE taz online
7...reiner strasser.......Re: The Virtual Affair
8...Quirk.................IDIO-AUDIO Mailing List for submissions: Femme Gender Conf
10..Sylvie Myerson........SANDBOX/CYBER RECYCLING
11..Stefaan Decostere.....THE PARTY
12..teleportacia..........Waiting Room Gallery


From: Ashwani Sharma <>
Organization: University of East London
To: seminar-12@jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 12:20:12 GMT0BST
Message-ID: <>
Sender: owner-seminar-12@jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: seminar-12@jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU

FORTHCOMING EVENT (please distribute). Places are limited



Saturday 16th May 1998

ICA, The Mall, London 10am-6pm stlg15/stlg10(concessions)

The recent emergence and celebration of a distinctive `Asian culture'
at the centre of metropolitan Britain raises a number of urgent
political questions. By bringing together a number of young innovative
artists, writers and theorists this unique day event interrogates the
aesthetics and politics of a diverse range of South Asian diasporic
To what extent do these cultural practices challenge the
prevalent forms of orientalism and racism? Is the present
fetishization of Asian culture a way of reconstructing post-imperial
white British identity? Is the language and approach of contemporary
criticism and critical theory adequate to address the complexities of
post-colonial politics. What representational forms are necessary to
contest the present eurocentric narratives of race, nation,
multiculturalism and globalization.

Speakers include: Sunnie Arshi, Bidesha, Perminder Kaur, Niru Ratnan,
Imran Khan, Deepa Patel, Arvind Singh, Gargi Bhattacharya, Sanjay
Sharma, Koushik Banerjea, Claire Alexander, Raminder Kaur and Ashwani
Sharma plus others to be confirmed. Screenings include: The Sheep
Thief, dir. Asif Kapadia and Surviving Sabu, dir. Ian Iqbal Rashid.

The conference will be followed in the evening by a chill-out session
of urban breakbeats.

Organised by Ashwani Sharma and the ICA

Tickets will be available directly from the ICA. (0171 930 3647)

If you would like further information contact:
Ash Sharma (0181 590 7722 x 2761 or


From: Stem96 <>
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 15:18:24 EST
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: Indian Vibes Newsletter April
Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit id WAA27814

Invitation / Einladung für

Mittwoch, 8. April `98, 22 Uhr
Nachtleben Frankfurt/M., Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 45

Eastenders & Radio X 97.1 präsentieren:
I n d i a n V i b e s !
New Asian Dance Music

Ambient, Big Beat, Dub, Drum&Bass, Freestyle, Sitar Funk -

plus visuals + scents

DJs: Eastenders, P. Klaus
+ special guest John Hutnyk
(Khatam-Club Manchester, Autor des Readers „Dis-Orienting Rhythms - The
politics of the new Asian Dance Music“)

Achtung, die erste Maiwoche hat es in sich: Zuerst „Indian Vibes“ am Mittwoch,
6. Mai im Nachtleben. Dann Trilok Gurtu am Donnerstag, 7. Mai, in der
Brotfabrik. Vormerken: Trilok Gurtu & Glimpse plus DJ-Support Eastenders am
7.5. (20 Uhr)! Also watch out for „Asian Dub Foundation“ (siehe auch Satpal
Ram-Info) am Sonntag, 10. Mai @ Batschkapp und danach ADF-Aftershow im


INFO: „Gerechtigkeit für Satpal Ram“ - Free Satpal Ram-Campaign

Satpal Ram ist nunmehr elf Jahren im Gefängnis. 1986 wurde Satpal Ram in einem
indischen Resaurant von sechs Mannern überfallen, von denen einer bei Satpals
Versuch, sich zu wehren, verletzt wurde. Im Krankenhaus lehnte es dieser weiße
Mann ab, von einem asiatischen Krankenhausangestellten behandelt zu werden und
erlag seinen Verletzungen. Laut britischem Gesetz ist Selbstverteidigung kein
Gesetzesverstoß, aber Satpal Ram sitzt wegen Mordes im Gefängnis. Satpals Rams
Berufung wurde zugelassen, im November 1995 jedoch zurückgewiesen. Eine
Kampagne rief zu mehreren Demonstrationen vor dem Obersten Gericht auf. Satpal
wurde das Recht, vor dem Gericht vorzusprechen, verweigert. Unter seinen Rufen
'No Justice, No Peace' wurde er aus dem Gerichtssaal gezerrt. Die Kampagne
'Gerechtigkeit für Satpal Ram' wird fortgeführt. Vor kurzem brachte die
Musikgruppe 'Asian Dub Foundation' die Single „Free Satpal Ram“ auf den Markt,
um die Ungerechtigkeit dieses Falles zu thematiseren und an die Öffentlichkeit
zu bringen. Unterstützt die Befreiungskampagne fur Satpal Ram! 'Free Satpal
Campaign', c/o Handsworth Law Centre, 101 Villa Rd, Birmingham, B19 1NH


NEU: Jeden ersten Mittwoch im Monat (im April ausnahmsweise der zweite
Mittwoch) im Nachtleben! Indian Vibes verbindet Einflüsse traditioneller
indischer Musik mit aktueller Clubmusik wie Drum&Bass, Ambient und Freestyle.
Premiere war Mitte August 1997 im Ostklub mit 300 Besuchern, zur Buchmesse
gab`s eine Liveübertragung bei Radio X. Das schrieb die Presse: „Bei uns haben
auch schon einige Leute mitbekommen, daß Asian Underground ziemlich angesagt
ist“ (blue rhythm/jazz thing 1/98); „Man kann ja nur lernen, wenn man sich zu
so einer außergewöhnlichen Party-Veranstaltung wie Indian Vibes begibt...
diese Musik wird in den kommenden Monaten sicher auch die größeren Clubs
vermehrt beschallen“ (Stefan Raulf, Frankfurter Rundschau); „...auch bei uns
werden die Menschen nicht mehr zu Hause bleiben, wenn irgendwo die Sitars
gespielt werden“ (Prinz 11/97); „In Deutschland muß man die Platten bislang
noch in der Import-Kiste suchen“ (Spex, 8/97); „Asian Dance steht mehr für das
heutige England als Noel und Liam Gallagher“, meint Björk.

Grüsse von Stefan Müller; Email:


Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 08:22:22 +0100
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: Swallow #8 Online. No Action Need Be Taken

Swallow -

- hasn't gone away yet.

#8 is an uneasy melange of personal revelations from people you never
heard of, the latest in cryptography techniques, a bunch of stuff about
ducks, some completely random words, a really bad poem by the editor and

that should probably read 'less'...




Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 20:31:59 +0900 (JST)
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-2022-JP"
From: (Yukiko Shikata)

Canon's ARTLAB presents "LOVERS" by Teiji Furuhashi and "frost frames" by
Shiro Takatani

ARTLAB holds an exhibition from May 10 to 21, 1998 at SPIRAL, Tokyo,
consisting of "LOVERS," 1994 collaborative work by artist Teiji Furuhashi
with ARTLAB, and a new work by Shiro Takatani, leading member of the art
group Dumb Type.

After shown at ARTLAB4(1994), "LOVERS" has been invited and shown at 11
venues in 7 countries in U.S. and Europe from 1995 to 1997, starting from
"Video Spaces" at New York's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). "LOVERS" to be
shown this time is its international version, renovated from the original
version, for the first time in Japan.

Furuhashi was the leading member of Dumb Type, and gave numerous
outstanding performances and installations before he passed away three
years ago. LOVERS is his first full-scale solo and posthumous work at the
same time. Since there were many requests to exhibit the work again, ARTLAB
planned a special exhibition to show the installation along with a new
video installation by Shiro Takatani, who is one of the collaborators in
the production of LOVERS.

The theme of LOVERS is a relationship of love, generated along the borders,
for example, between humans, human and body, and humans and information. In
the work, filmed images of life-size humans appear in a dim space. The
movements of visitors in the space are perceived by sensors and affect the
course of movement of the images. On the other hand, "frost frames,"
depicts a world where the contrast of projected images mutually turn

<ARTLAB Exhibition "LOVERS"(Teiji Furuhashi) / "frost frames"(Shiro Takatani)>
date: May 10 - 21, 1998 11:00-20:00
location: SPIRAL, Tokyo(5-6-23 Minami-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
*free of charge

Organized by Canon ARTLAB
cooperation: Wacoal Art Center

Artists' Profile:

<Teiji Furuhashi>
Born in 1960. Graduated from Art Dept.of Kyoto University of Arts. Created
films, music, performances, and experimented with various ways of
expressions. In 1984, formed a multi-media art group Dumb Type in Kyoto,
and created works in a group in the form of performance and installation,
etc. Furuhashi showed his solo work "LOVERS" in 1994 when Dumb Type
performed "S/N." In the autumn of 1995, died of an infection with HIV.

<Shiro Takatani>
Born in 1963. Graduated from Art Dept. of Kyoto University of Arts. Joined
Dumb Type as one of the founders in 1984, and has been involved especially
in the visual and technical aspects. In his solo activities, Takatani
participated in a municipal project of Groningen, Holland in collaboration
with Akira Asada in 1990. Recently, Takatani created images for the
collaboration concert "Dangerous Visions" with Art Zoyd and the National
Orchestra of Lille in March 1998.

<Dumb Type>
Artists from different genres; visual art, architecture, music and video,
formed a group in Kyoto in 1984. Their activities were originally motivated
by potential of innovative artistic expressions in the post-consumer
society, flexible output and explorations in the production system, and
they developed through different media such as performance, installation,
video and publishing. The group has been active in and outside Japan and is
often engaged in international collaborative projects, such as, with Hotel
Pro Forma(Denmark) and architects Elizabeth Diller & Ricardo

<venues LOVERS was shown>
-ARTLAB4, Hillside Plaza, Tokyo(original version)
1995(from here with International version)
-"Video Spaces," The Museum of Modern Art, New York
-"Age of Anxiety," Power Plant, Toronto
-Biennale de Lyon, Lyon
-Festival International EXIT, Creteil
-Festival International VIA, Meubeuge
-"SONAR96," Barcelona
-Theater am Turm, Frankfurt
-Marstall Theater, Munchen
-Tramway, Glasgow
-Wood Streeet Galleries, Pittsburgh

Yukiko Shikata
postal address: Canon ARTLAB, 106-0032 Japan
Tel: 81-3-5410-3611 Fax: 3615
next exhibition by ARTLAB: May 10-21[at Spiral, Tokyo]
"LOVERS"(Teiji Furuhashi)+"frost frames"(Shiro Takatani)


Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 16:09:19 +0200
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: Jos de Mul <>
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: Jos de Mul <>

Herewith we invite you to visit:


The General Idea

The goal of the project was to make a machine that would
make it possible to visualize the dreams of someone - in
this case Jos de Mul- realtime and publish them on the

However, it is not (yet) possible to do so. But indirectly we
can do something which looks a lot like that:

We could register when Jos is dreaming and
simultaneously produce a dream-like animation using
pictures made of his daily life as a basis. These pictures
were divided into different categories like work. house,
family, media, on the assumption that in dreams a person
processes the information registered during the day and
strange and unexpected combination of content and
imagery are the result. The animation would be a morph,
most fittingly, from one image to one from another


During the project Jos de Mul slept in the museum in
Almere connected to a device that measured the electrical
activity of his brains.
This two-channel EEG-device, built by ORION Electronics
enabled us to determine when the subject entered the
REM-period of his sleep. In essence, the REM-period is the
moment in our sleep when we are dreaming.
This EEG-device was connected/built-in a PC - sponsored
most generously by IBM - connected to the internet by
means of a dialup ppp connection to the website Moir
Brandts Honk.
A program, written by Mateor, filtered the EEG-input and
established when a REM-period occured and started a
batch file with a random image name input to produce a
morph-animation. This animation in MPEG format was
subsequently put on the web.

Prof.dr J. de Mul
Department of Philosophy / Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam / P.O.B. 1738
NL-3000 DR Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Oostmaaslaan 950-952 / Rotterdam
VOX: +31-10-408 8998/8965 FAX: +31-10-212 04 48
private tel/fax: +31-24-3584657


Message-Id: <>
From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 20:21:45 +0000
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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Subject: spanish taz online
Priority: normal

ho all,

I've finally found some time and did the spanish TAZ web site. It
was translated by Guadalupe Sordo, and was given to me by Alenka
Pirman of the Ljubljana SCCA who's just been to Columbia (is this

Please notify your latin american (chiapas or not) companeros that
now -- after eastern european html help, and as a gesture of
transatlantic omni-dumdum-solidarity -- they can read this important
volume in their mother tongue.

The url is:

And for the next step, I can proudly announce the Slovene version
that is going to empower (2) millions in struggle against the
transcorporate nationalism.


and for the ps:
don't forget the recently pubblished zkp4 by nettime:


Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 16:31:44 +0100
From: reiner strasser <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: The Virtual Affair
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854";
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


The Virtual Affair

Words and Works for the Cyber Age

comments welcome


From: Quirk <>
To: All Cultural Instigators and Media Pirates <>
Subject: An Invitation to Join the IDIO-AUDIO Mailing List.
Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 22:00:05 GMT
Organization: Idiosyntactix
Mime-Version: 1.0
Status: RO

Join Toronto's most vital electronic community for supporters and
creators of Independent Culture:

[+] The IDIO-AUDIO Mailing List! [+]

Get know other local indie provocateurs. Find out about Toronto's most
subversive events. Let people know about *YOUR* work and events.

(((((((*))))))) A must for local artists, musicians,
| and independent music promoters!!
/^\ .o0101100o....

+****// join join join join join join join join \\*******+
** **
** To add yourself to this mailing list, **
** you can send email to: **
** **
** with the following command in the body **
** of your email message: subscribe idio-audio **
** **
+*********\\ YES! Of course it's free! Duh! //****+

For more info see:

Or just email me for help:


IDIO-AUDIO has been an active and irreverent independent
community that has contributed to our city's culture for over
two and half years now, be a part of it!


-+- Brought to you by Idiosyntactix, the creators of
-+- Plunderpalooza, IndieshmoozeFest, Nocturnal
-+- Transmission, The Mighty Mono 99.1 FM, Happyclown and
-+- many other twisted memes. Dedicated purveyors of
-+- independent culture and irreverence since 1995.

Spread the word!

Autonomous minds from outside of Toronto may still be interested in
the many interesting articles and links on the web site:



Dmytri Kleiner -- Quirk
"Gravity lets
P.S. Oh, Nevermind. you down"

<< >>

** Keep in mind that this transmission
just might be a malicious forgery.

Copyright 1997 Idiosyntactix, Toronto.


Subject: call for submissions
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 98 17:03:55 -0800
From: evie <>
To: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Status: RO

Please feel free to copy and distribute this in its entirety.

I'm curating film and video work for the Femme Gender Conference in San
Francisco May 30-31. I'm looking for short work (maximum 1/2 hour), as I'm
preparing an hour and a half program and want a diversity of voices. Each
piece curated will address some aspect of femme identity, culture, art or
life. We are open to all ideas, including:

- fat femme/body image
- femme/femme relationships
- femme/butch relationships
- femmes and transmen
- femmes in the sex industry
- femme heros
- femme history
- femmes in popular culture
- femmes of color
- femme spirituality
- young femmes
- femmes in midlife
- older femmes
- parenting
- transgendered femmes
- boy femmes

The Femme Gender Conference seeks to explore the fixed and changing
expressions of femme identity among lesbian and bisexual women,
transgendered people and gay and straight men-- in various communities of
color and along different class lines. This conference represents a
continuation of a public discussion begun at last year's inaugural Femme
Gender Conference, sponsored by the Harvey Milk Institute as an ongoing
forum for the exploration and discussion of gender.

Film and video presenters receive complimentary admission to the 2-day

Deadline: April 30, 1998 (Work submitted earlier to receive preference)
Send tapes, synopsis and B&W stills to:
Evie Leder
c/o Harvey Milk Institute
584-B Castro Street #451
San Francisco, CA 94114

Evie Leder
(415) 864-2135 email:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Femme Gender Conference
Creating community on the frontier of gender.
Saturday & Sunday, May 30 - 31, 1998
Harvey Milk Institute/San Francisco
Conference info:
415. 552.7200


Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 01:31:04 -0400
To: Recipient.List.Suppressed:;
From: Sylvie Myerson <>

CELEBRATE SANDBOX WEBZINE #2 WITH CYBER RECYCLING (Warning: Sandbox #2 will go online on
Monday April 13th. In the meanwhile, you can still peruse Sandbox #1)

WHERE: The Piano Store
158 Ludlow Street, NYC (Stanton & Rivington)
WHEN: Monday April 13th, 8:00pm.
HOW MUCH: Donations welcome.
INFO: (212) 598-4087 or

CYBER RECYCLING, Curated by Amy Shapiro
An event in which artists use broken or outdated computer equipment in the
creation of performances and art installations.

Join us in disassembling a computer piece by piece, play with the "ancient"
Atari game, see the cyber dollhouse, and witness artwork, installations,
and live performances by Pet(e) Silvia, Gecko, Krzysztof Zarebski, Dan
McKereghan, Tim Cramer & Michael Tudor of Maelstrom Music, Mike Pare, Peter
Nappi, Allan "Pogo" Spiegel, Frank Pawlowski, Maven Peck-Peck, Stefan Eins,
Alicia Mikles, Amy Champ, Amy Shapiro, Kelly and Rocco.

Featuring an exclusive interview with photographer, video artist and
performance artist SHEREE ROSE, taking stock of her 15 years of life and
work with poet, performance artist and visual artist BOB FLANAGAN. Also
featuring interviews with cyberpunk author WILLIAM GIBSON (author of
Neuromancer), LARRY HARVEY (founder of BURNING MAN FESTIVAL), "Media

Includes interactive projects, articles and visual work...
ANNIE SPRINKLE interview by Shelley Marlow; A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT,
EXQUISITE CORPSE instigated by Peter Nappi; REFLECTION SITE, online ritual
by performance and visual artist Sally Resnik; THE MALIGNANT MUSE SPEAKS,
column by cable tv host Pet(e) Silvia; SANDBOX PERFORMANCE EVENTS,
documentation of past Sandbox Events curated by Amy Shapiro, with
photographs by Allan "Pogo" Spiegel and sound by Tim Cramer and Michael
Tudor of Maelstrom Music; BURNING MAN 1997, photographs by Allan "Pogo"
Spiegel & Jennifer Vermut; BURNING MAN, THE BODY, an account of the
festival by Morissa Sherman.


From: Stefaan Decostere <>

THE PARTY is a fun course of treatment for body and mind. Its dual action
works to remove inhibitions via a 'short circuit' or 'repositioning' and is
effective on all types of speech loss or 'fin-de-sihcle' hysteria.


* counters any abilityto deal with the world - the virtual and the real one
* improves circulation and vital functions
* stimulates the collective heart
* prevents urban nightmares, neighbourhood disputes, constipation brought
on by the media, allergies to other people
* reinforces physical and mental resistance to the society of market forces
* makes it easier to smile
* reduces swelling in the belly button
* broadens horizons


THE PARTY is a fun-packed multi vitamin complex combining parallel worlds.
It is an essential vitamin supplement, just the ingredient you need to
spice up your life ! It comprises this site
<>, an installation The Heart of
Brussels (also open on this site) and four sound-system PartyBus parties
throughout the city of Brussels, during the month of May, when the
KunstenFESTIVALdesArts is taking place. The themes are RESISTANCE and the

THE HEART OF BRUSSELS will welcome browsers in a lively treatment centre :
chaises longues with headphones and soundtracks, innovators/nurses and
relaxing surroundings. These will constitute the main elements of the
modules which show the body in the many ways it can be manipulated and

Once a week (09-15-22-30.05) a PARTYBUS-bar complete with sound-system will
leave the site of the installation to cross town. When that happens, each
experience can be followed and lived in a particular way and in real time
simultaneously on the site, in the installation and at the heart of the
party events. DJ's on the bus, local radio stations and radio-on-line will
mix and conjugate.


Four doses of party, once a week during May.

* First dose : how to spend the night ? Before another ? And another ?
Sleepless. How much time will we spend together ?
* Second dose : is that what it means to try to interrupt what comes
infinitely, in spite of ourselves ? How to mark out a path through this
space ?
* Third dose : is that what it means to resist the powers that be ?
Restore order before the beginning of the end ?
* Fourth dose : where are you going, Walker ? Tell us.


* tendonitis caused by intensive mouse use while surfing
* infestation of the site by sales networks (appearance of pornographic
images, advertisements for sperm or any other kind of banks, etc)
* palpitations due to party vibes
* love at first sight, kisses, post-party amorous liaisons
* all kinds of untimely audacity (poetic of political itches, acts of
solidarity, shouting, sweet dreams, bursts of laughter) in reaction to


The Party may interfere with similar types of medicine. Should this occur,
contact Walker to find out which sites are working with


De Party is not advised for people who are afraid of computers, who do not
like parties, Brussels or other people, and who believe they are at one
with themselves.


Stefaan Decostere.


Michael Samyn, Filip Maes, Dominique Callewaert (site-design), Xavier Leton
(concept party events), Mark Van Tongele, Lex Wouterloot, Xavier Leton en
Stefaan Decostere (texts), Ryoji Ikeda (music), Dirk De Wit, vzw Constant

Want to know more ? Or want to participate ? Then look for Walker on the
web ; he'll take you on a virtual tour and help you find out more about the
project conceived and produced by Stefaan Decostere.

He and his team are offering a novel way of meeting the virtual and real
worlds - proof positive that new technology can be used as an entirely
different way of encountering reality.



Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 15:57:12 +0400
From: "" <>
Organization: TELEPORTACIA
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: Waiting Room Gallery

Waiting Room Gallery
as a new service for our passengers waiting for their call
to be teleported TeleportaciaWRG is inaugurated
april 9th, 4 p.m.MET at Teleportacia official website

The opening exhibition
postcards series by Marily Stroux

TeleportaciaWRG invites curators and artists for
considered contributions and new projects
to amuse our clients and make them feel that waiting
is not the most terrible thing in the world.

Please send a description of your project to


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