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Subject: <nettime> URLs for the May 10 White House Flood Net action are Active
From: ricardo dominguez <>
Date: 10 May 1998 23:06:12 +0200

* * * * *

Precedence: bulk

[Please note: (1) This announcement was sent to nettime *after* the
event was scheduled to start. (2) The explanations of how it works
are given in ways that range from awkward to a bit misleading. The URL claims that when you connect to a Flood Net URL "Flood
Net will 'ping' the White House web site every 4 seconds." It does
*not* "ping" the site--that is, send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets--it
loads a Java applet in your (frames+Java-capable) browser, and the
applet sends bogus HTTP requests to, every 3 or
7 seconds (the dox are inconsistent); explanations of how it works
are available through the Flood Net pages themselves--after the ap-
plet has launched a "denial of services attack" via your browser's
window, which will run until you close the window. If this kind of
"electronic disturbance" will become a technique of civil disobedi-
ence, then organizers *must* explain their methods--and the risks--
*before* enlisting people to act. When they don't, they are asking
people to act out of naivete--well-meaning ignorance--and that's a
technique of *disinformation*. The Flood Net pages have some inter-
esting material; you may want to turn Java off in your browser, or
read it with a Java-free browser, while you decide whether you are
going to participate in this action.-T]


The following URLs for the May 10 White House Flood Net action are now
active. They have been linked to the "How to Flood the White House" page

Please spread these URLs.

Happy Mothers Day!
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