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Subject: Re: <nettime> Sentient Experiment #1.1
From: mez <>
Date: 24 May 1998 04:00:07 +0200

* * * * *

Precedence: bulk

At 23:40 23/05/98 +1000, you wrote:

Sentient experiment log #1.1

With drunk: Test in the destruction of the direction by means of repeated
machine translation.

Method: The expression on several occasions was translated English-French
and French-English babelfish of the use.



1. we no longer have routines we have acronyms

2. nous n'avons plus des sous-programmes que nous avons des acronymes

3.we do not have any more of the subroutines which we have of the

4. nous n'avons pas davantage des sous-programmes que nous avons des

5. we do not have more subroutines which we have of the acronyms

6. nous n'avons pas plus de sous-programmes que nous avons des

7. we do not have more subroutines than we have acronyms

Conclusion: machine translation a suitable process for the destruction of the

Let us consider pour Davantage de Recherche: Troislangagesdans
Laumdrehung Essayez de Traduire average.

Is 23/5/98 of McKenzie Wark 11.35PM
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