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Subject: <nettime> Nettime Rules
From: "Dr. Future" <>
Date: 28 May 1998 02:40:58 +0200

* * * * *

Precedence: bulk

My Dear Friends,

without doubt the most important tool I possess for Nettime critique is
my old school ruler. After loading a new nettime mailing into my reader
the first thing I do is to put my ruler onto the glass screen and
measure the length of the grey text scrolling bar on the far right of
the window.

1. If it measures over 1/2 inch long (that's 1.25cm for our foreign
friends) then I immediately commence reading.

2. If it is over 1/2 inch then I check the clock for the possible
approach of bed time.

3. If it is under 1/4 inch then I close my eyes and gently nudge the
'Delete' key.

What are other reader's favourite Nettime tools?
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