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Subject: <nettime> UNESCO announcement (fwd)
From: McKenzie Wark <mw35@is6.NYU.EDU>
Date: 22 Jul 1997 04:43:33 +0200

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Those on the list interested in global media issues, and those
interested in NGOs might like to note this. The IAMCR is the
International Association for Mass Communication Research.


McKenzie Wark
Visiting Professor, American Studies Program, New York University
"We no longer have origins we have terminals"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 11:21:12 GMT+1000
From: Naren Chitty <>
To: iamcr-newsletter@spot.Colorado.EDU
Subject: UNESCO announcement

Dear IAMCR Colleagues,

Following the adoption by the UNESCO General Conference of the new
Directives concerning UNESCO's relations with non-governmental
organizations, I am pleased to inform you that the Executive Board of
UNESCO, at its recent session, upon the recommendation by the
Director-General, has decided to admit IAMCR into "formal consultative"
relations with UNESCO. The new framework of UNESCO for cooperation with
NGOs calls for two types of relations: formal and operational. Formal
relations are granted to NGOs who have already established operational
relations with UNESCO.

In his letter to IAMCR, dated June 25, 1997, Mr. Frederico Mayor,
Director-General notes: "I need hardly emphasize the significance of the
formal bond which UNESCO is proposing to establish with your
organization, and draw your attention to the philosophy underlying the
new era of cooperation opening up between UNESCO and the non-governmental
community, in which the role of your organization is of great
importance." Thereafter, this means that the term "NGO in formal
consultative relations with UNESCO" may be used to describe IAMCR
relations with UNESCO.

In assessing the status of IAMCR, the Director-General's report indicates
that "there has been a distinct improvement in its representativeness in
Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia and the Middle East, and in certain LDCs,
where its presence and activities were virtually nil." The quality and
importance of IAMCR's relations with the Organization are commended by
the Communication Sector.

We look forward to a new period of a close and fruitful partnership with
UNESCO as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of IAMCR.

Hamid Mowlana
President, IAMCR

Released via:
Naren Chitty
Secretary General, IAMCR
International Communication Program
Media & Communication Studies Department
Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW 2109, Australia

Fax : 612-9850-9689; Tel: 612-9850-7931

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