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Subject: <nettime> Zapatistas, part 333
From: ricardo dominguez <>
Date: 24 Jul 1997 20:15:31 +0200

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The Zapatista Encuentro


We live in a period when human relations are
intensely colonized. Every where the same social
system subjects humanity to the law of money and
homogenizes life, generating poverty and devastation.
Faced with the ruins inflicted by this relentless
machine, resistances arise from other ways of life,
yet these seem condemned to isolation. The time has
come to break the vicious circle which prevents
humanity from bringing together its unease, its
struggles and the will for change.

In Mexico the armed revolt of the indigenous
community of Chiapas, organized by the EZLN, has
opened the way towards a different future for us
all. Since the 1st January 1994 the imaginative
struggle of the Zapatistas has spurred people
worldwide to create alternatives to neoliberalism.
Their initiatives have been created outside the
bounds of traditional institutional politics and
always seek to involve the greatest possible
numbers, especially among marginalized people.

In this spirit the First Intercontinental Meeting
for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism was organized
in August 1996, hosted by five indigenous
communities in Chiapas, despite the military
occupation and siege by the Mexican Federal Army.
The first Encuentro attracted more than three
thousand people from 43 countries in five
continents. They gained the opportunity to meet
each other, to reflect and express themselves, in an
unprecedented act of solidarity.

These participants dared to cross the threshhold
opened by the Zapatistas and sought to cross to the
other side of the looking-glass. There everyone
could be equal, precisely because they succeed in
being different, so that various ways of life co-
exist, all joined in rejecting the present system
with the desire to construct a world which includes
many worlds -- the 'humanity' of which we speak.

Everywhere there are people who are fed up with the
dominant values, who seekto change their own lives,
to open new spaces and construct a more dignified
present. Everywhere there are willing accomplices
desiring to live an adventure. To achieve this, it
is worth extending the Chiapas initiative and
creating the network of resistance which was
proposed by the first Encuentro:

'An international network of resistance in which
people help each other, a network without an
organized structure, without a central command,
without a hierarchy. A network comprising all those
who resist.'

For all those aims we announce the next Encuentro:


*25th July : MADRID
Reception of people from around the Planet
First Party or the starting of new

*26th July : MADRID
reception of the rest of the people
evening : Opening act + mad party until late

*27th July : MADRID
Demo in Madrid centre (12 pm). Bring
banners, noise (whistles, drums, other
instruments, ...) and lots of energy and good
mood .
evening : depart of the anti- neoliberalism
caravans to the different venues.

*28th - 31st. July : VENUES
Reception in the different venues and tables
work ( debates in the different tables and
subtables ).
Tableswork will be combined with parallel
events : concerts, exhibitions, video showings,...
Farewell in the different venues and
travel to El Indiano .

*1st. August : EL INDIANO
Reception and public event.

*2nd. August : EL INDIANO
Conclusions of the Gathering and Farewell
Train back to Madrid (on the 3rd.)


In Britain please contact: fHUMAN (for Humanity
and Against Neoliberalism) London Committee, c/o BM-
CRL, London WC1N 3XX, email
Website address for English-language documents is:

In the US please contact: ricardo dominguez. Website addresss
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