| grenze | 10 * 10 | 02.07.1997 | [20]
| 1. free flow: what could it mean but an enormeous movement which leaves
2. the worldwide migration movements result from the international explo
3. the systematic destruction of fordist regulated migration scenarios i
 | grenze | CROSS T H E BORDER - i nt ro | 29.06.1997 | [107]
| ( general introduciton into the cross_the_border project
from june 28 to july 7th in workspace, fighting for the
rights of immigrants. )
 | grenze | buetzow - berlin - ansterdam - accra | 24.07.1997 | [84]
| on the evening of 23th july 97 a police mini bus is
going to take andrew jackson to berlin airport. there,
the young liberian will be locked up bundesgrenzschutz
(bgs - federal border guide) cell.
 | grenze | difficult journeys | 30.06.1997 | [168]
| one of the central issues of [cross the border]is how to combat the
new regime of frontiers, especially after the implementation of the
Schengen treaty. this text refers to the actual agitation against
people helping other people to cross the border. in the us they´re
called coyotes.
 | grenze | proclamation - declaration - aufruf | 29.06.1997 | [157]
| "You shall know that no one is illegal. It is a contradiction in
itself. People can be beautiful or even more beautiful. They may
be just or unjust. But illegal? How can someone be illegal?"
(Elie Wiesel)
 | grenze | stowaways | 04.07.1997 | [56]
| The German government is not able to deport tens of thousands of African
Although our group "Stowaways" is just marginally involved in these dirt
I am running because of problems in my country.
 | workspace | wer sind "sans papier" ? | 30.06.1997 | [35]
| WIR, DIE "SANS PAPIERS" von Saint-Ambroise - Pajol
- Saint-Bernard - Faubourg-Poissonnière, haben am 18. März
1996, indem wir die Kirche Saint-Ambroise besetzten, einen
Kampf aufgenommen, um auf die absurde Lage aufmerksam zu
machen, in die uns die Gesetze versetzen, und um unsere