| marleen | BANDWIDTH AND CONTENT | 16.07.1997 | [151]
In the context of the 'We Want Bandwidth!' public research by the
Society for Old and New Media
@ Hybrid Workspace, documenta x - Kassel, July 12, 1997.
 | marleen | Boris Groendahl 1th article on the German Infrastructure | 16.07.1997 | [153]
| Subject: spiegel online texts / Date: Fri, 11 Jul 97 16:27:29 +0200
From: Boris Groendahl boris@well.com
Netzköpfe gegen Eierköpfe
 | marleen | Boris Groendahl 2nd article on the German Infrastructure | 16.07.1997 | [117]
| Subject: spiegel online texts / Date: Fri, 11 Jul 97 16:27:29 +0200
From: Boris Groendahl boris@well.com
Zwerge mit Rückgrat
 | mieg | DXPP Ping Project | 10.07.1997 | [1]
| Due to bad health the DXPP Ping project has started today. More follows
 | marleen | John Horvath 1th reaction | 16.07.1997 | [140]
| Date: Sun, 6 Jul 1997 22:10:28 +0200 From: John Horvath jhorv@helka
To: bandwidth@waag.org / Subject: something for you
The problem of bandwidth is merely a microcosm of our inability, or
reluctance, to consolidate technological change. This is not only in
 | marleen | John Horvath second reaction | 16.07.1997 | [135]
| Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 22:09:03
From: John Horvath h8801joh@ella.hu
X-Sender: jhorv@helka
To: stikker@waag.org
Subject: reply
 | marleen | Reaction of JP Barlow on Bandwidth and Content | 16.07.1997 | [85]
| Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 11:02:51 +0100 To: bandwidth@waag.org
From: John Perry Barlow barlow@eff.org
Subject: Re: Bandwidth and Content
At 10:11 AM -0400 7/14/97, Eric Kluitenberg wrote:
 | marleen | Some bandwidth from Mark Amerika | 16.07.1997 | [16]
| Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 23:09:34 +0000 / From: Alt-X x@altx.com
To: Marleen@waag.org / Subject: "bandwidth" for U
If interested, please go to the section of GRAMMATRON called
"bandwidth" and feel free to use it for your presentation.
 | marleen | Some remarks on the question of bandwidth | 11.07.1997 | [106]
| It is not hard to see that the emergence of the graphical user interface
for the Internet, the world wide web, has greatly enhanced the public
interest and rising popularity of the Internet. Text communication and
text-retreival were already possible for many years before this sudden r
in public interest. Enhancing the public interest in networking