Newsgroups: workspace.cyberfeminism

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Subject: xyberfeminist manifesto
From: jesis@xs4all.NL (Josephine Bosma)
Date: 31 Aug 1997 12:14:40 +0200

* * * * *

In the light of a cyberfeminism that tends more and more to adjust
to responsibilities and rethorics of a historical feminism, I declare:

1. I withdraw my earlier statements in writing about the need for
historical awareness: we are awareness. We are pure information warriors.

2. The denial and neglectance of the existence of cyberfeminist issues
harms our identity: cyberfeminism came to be because cyberspace came to be.
Cyberspace has specific problems and advantages, we work on them, we use

3. We have a right to being arrogant. We are not only a new generation,
we are new.

When cyberfeminism becomes a term with a retrograde taste to it, I will
call myself a xyberfeminist, using the addition xyber as in cyber in its
most vulgar, hype and seperatist way.
