Newsgroups: workspace.deep_europe

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Subject: Re: Europe is Obsolete - Calin Dan
From: fourel@leland.Stanford.EDU (Jerome Fourel)
Date: 31 Jul 1997 19:48:54 +0200

* * * * * wrote:
> 1. Guatemala is
> a. in Central America; b. in the Carraibeans; c. in South
> America?


> 2. East Timor is
> a. an island; b. a province; c. a country?

i guess b, part of indonesia.

3. Name two countries neighboring Saudi Arabia.

Yemen, Koweit, Iraq for instance.

> 4. Yaounde is the capital city of
> a. Cameroun; b. Nigeria; c. Ivory Coast?


I dunn'o if you know many Americans but most Americans are really not
interested in other cultures, they scorn Europe as well as Asia or
Africa. Money they can get there is the only thing that matters.

Try to find , say, a typical well- or no- educated white American in
U.S.A. who saw once a foreign movie, who heard once some European or
Asian music... Culturally Americans (the 'mainstream' American i mean)
are the blindest people I've ever seen. Most Europeans, even
nationalist, know a little bit about 'foreign world', and so it is with
Japanese people, South-American,...

Sadly Western Europeans are more and more narrow-minded too, at least
politically and economically. But, goshh, we would make many efforts to
be as dumb as some very professional Americans.