Newsgroups: workspace.recycling_the_future

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Subject: Re: As the Recycling the Future team descends on the Hybrid WorkSpace...
From: pit <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 13:38:49 METDST

* * * * *

ooops is this reply funtion made for human readers? :

liz <> wrote:
> Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 10:29:04 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Tom Sherman <>

> I haven't received any e-mail or faxes or phonecalls or telepathy or
> anything.
sorry, for a better connection it is the best to get in contact
with the webmaster

>Don't get me wrong...I really like working in the Hybrid
> WorkSpace. It gives me a sense of belonging to an organization and when
> you're working by yourself and for yourself most of the time, it's good to
> find yourself in an office with co-workers and colleagues and people who
> are just plain sharing the mission.

well, in every big city in europe there are groups which
are organising themselves loosely around some leased IP wires.
they share bandwidth, competence, hardware. but they do not
work like leftists alternative collectives but social zones
to avoid electronic lonelyness.
hybrid workspace is just importing from this practise:
still missing: as index of such groups, which are not to be
mixed with cybercafes.

>I mean naturally there are problems
> whenever you work with people and depend on other people to get things
> done, but you just can't beat that corporate feeling when you believe in
> the people you choose to work with-- and share the goals of the mission.

well, to join a social corpus instead of remaining isoltated on
your PC might be natural but i think that 'corporate identity'
is in no way leading out of the dilemma. How much
do the people which are working for NIKE for a dollar a day in
a sweatshop in Vietnam like their 'corporate feeling'?

> Let's all join in and accomplish something! Anything!
> Do you mind if I play a CD? I'm listening to Sluts'n'Strings & 909
good questions, where are the dial-ins? there is one! via the phone:
0049 561 108891 (voicebox)

> working at home. I can play my music as loud as I want without bugging my
> co-workers.
In Berlin, we use headphones if someone gets annoyed by a work song
from CD.

> A showplace for interdisciplinary cooperation-- or at least the pleasure
> of 'playing' in parallel.
and put it into sound and make it listenable.

>You know, the independence and diversity thing.
> Autonomy and all that. The only thing I've ever heard of that resembles
> the Hybrid WorkSpace was a thing that happened a long, long time ago here
> in Canada, something called the artist-run centre. Back in early 1970's
> the government funded these physical spaces where people could get
> together and meet and they put together media facilities in these sites
> and they set about solving the problem of finding ways of connecting
> themselves to the world.

ok, this community or group aspect is part of what survived on the net from the
sixties, which is needed for building up context for
content, and gets transfered into realspace.
but it is also not that extraordinary. media art projects often
happen in teams, maybe because of the need of different kind of

> some knack for being annoying and provocative and they started to cook,
> making beautiful noise all across Canada.
well, even if there is a reference to the 70ies its not that
direct, it is more calculated, less spontanous and utopic.
there is no hatred on the fathers/establishment, the fathers
are themselves part of the 68ers..., today one is sponsored
by Microsoft, Sony or IBM with more or less alienating effects
of cynicism and 'grand ennui'.

> Collaboration can
> be nasty business. But they worked things out and promised themselves
> they'd continue to do good deeds for the taxpayers, in exchange for
> grants. That's what public money and such a bright spotlight can do for
> chaos--it can engineer consensus behaviour favourable to the taxpayer, for
> the good of society. Talk about the mysteries of emerging social order.

> rolling up my sleeves and I'm ready to pitch in, but I need something
> real, the real vibe from the centre. It's lonely working at home. Please
> send word of what I can do so I can really feel part of the Hybrid
> WorkSpace in the immediate future, like maybe later today?

right you say, and between us stands only that clumsy apperatus,
how to make it easier? hope you will receive this message in a
bottle. or: write to the programmer (see above)
