Newsgroups: workspace.tactical_media

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Subject: tactical media in the workspace
From: Workspace <>
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 1997 22:14:54 +0200

* * * * *

The Tactical Media Network will use the Documenta platform to present
the works of various media
activists. This project arises out of a number of conferences like [The
Next 5 Minutes].

This will be programmed in the context of a series of discussions which
will among other things
examine the viability of The People's Communication Charter, a project
seeking to give the rights of
media access and literacy the same status as other human or civil
rights. Over the ten days in
Documenta these and related topics will be explored in depth through a
series of screenings,
presentations and public and private discussions with specially invited

Taken together this project provides a survey of those who use
electronic media to resist the abuse of
state or corporate power and the ravages of un-restrained global
capital. These tactical media are
characterized by mobility and a willingness to cross boarders,
connecting and re-wiring a variety of
disciplines and technologies. Their defining aesthetic is 'quick and
dirty' and is often based on the cheap
'do it yourself' media, made available through the revolution in
consumer electronics and new forms of
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