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Subject: Democratizing Technology
From: (mute)
Date: 15 Aug 1997 16:54:35 +0200

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Democratizing Technology

Richard E. Sclove
Reprinted from "The Chronicle of Higher Education," Vol. 40, No.
19 (12 January 1994), pp. B1-B2.


The Clinton Administration and the U.S. Congress are trying to
promote economic competitiveness by forging an ambitious new
technology agenda. Measures proposed or already adopted include
support for development of advanced manufacturing technologies,
such as robotics, and for a national network of manufacturing
extension centers. Other measures include new industrial
partnerships for the national weapons laboratories and investing
in "green" technologies and in new infrastructures (such as the
information superhighway, high speed trains, and upgraded roads
and sewage systems). New technology is seen as the genie that will
enable American companies to prevail in the global marketplace.

It's a beguiling vision, but it overlooks a major factor:
democracy. Few citizens, workers, or communities are being
consulted about technology decisions that their taxes will help
support, decisions that will profoundly affect their lives.

It is possible to involve citizens in making technology policy.
Last year, for example, a panel of ordinary Danish citizens spent
several days hearing expert presentations on genetic manipulation
in animal breeding. After cross-examining the experts and
deliberating among themselves, the citizens decided that it would
be "entirely unacceptable" to genetically engineer new pets, but
ethical to use such methods to develop a treatment for cancer.

To organize this type of "consensus conference," the Danish
government's Technology Board selects panels of citizens of
varying backgrounds, and then publicizes their judgments through
the news media, local debates, leaflets, and videos. Surveys show
that the Danish public and politicians are better informed on
issues addressed this way than are the citizens of other countries
facing similar questions.

During a recent briefing at the U.S. Office of Technology
Assessment, Norman Vig, a political scientist from Carleton
College, argued that consensus conferences represent a promising
model for the United States to use to broaden the range of people
who influence technological decisions. Universities could
contribute substantially to democratizing technology if such a
model were adopted - by helping citizen advisory panels analyze
complex technical issues, by preparing "social impact" statements
on technological proposals, and by creating community research
centers to help neighborhoods evaluate and influence alternative
strategies for economic development.

Government officials report that today just three groups dominate
technology policy-making: the Pentagon and the national weapons
laboratories, elite academic scientists, and business. The
political scientist Philip Frankenfeld has called the resulting
range of opinion "the sound of one wagon circling." Public
interest groups, grass roots organizations, and ordinary citizens
represent a negligible force.

Equally troubling, the military establishment is beating out
civilian agencies for control of federal programs to develop
commercial technologies. The Pentagon-directed Technology
Reinvestment Project is slated to receive $474 million in the
current fiscal year, more than twice the amount appropriated for
the comparable Advanced Technology Program at the Commerce
Department. Thus the Pentagon's penetration into the civilian
economy may be increasing and, given military traditions of
secrecy and centralization, that could mean diminished
opportunities for democratic influence over decisions.

Citizens need chances to influence technology decisions because
their lives are so deeply affected by the consequences. Historians
have shown how the design and operation of U.S. infrastructure -
including energy, water, sewage, transportation, and telephone
systems - helped weaken local democracy by isolating citizens from
decision making. Similarly, the noise and danger of automobiles,
coupled with the allure of air conditioning, central heating, and
television, have eroded the custom of outdoor neighborly
gatherings, and the civic engagement that accompanies such

Feminist scholars report many cases in which technologies designed
by men reproduced women's subordinate social status. Secretaries
and key-punch operators, who are preponderantly female, are among
the workers most prone to computerized job surveillance, as well
as repetitive motion injuries. Yet alternative choices are
possible that would alter such social outcomes. Lobbying by people
with physical disabilities, after all, has proved that public
transit can - despite claims to the contrary - be designed to
accommodate a wheel chair, shopping cart, or baby carriage.

Broadened participation can be an irreplaceable source of insight
and creativity. The business-management literature is replete with
studies extolling the economic benefits of involving workers in
designing and managing workplace technologies. Conversely, the
absence of citizens' participation ultimately has proved divisive
and costly in areas such as nuclear power, toxic waste disposal,
and genetic engineering. For example, citizen participation could
have alerted the Monsanto Company to the opposition among
consumers and owners of family farms to the use of synthetic
hormones to increase cows' milk production - before it invested
$300 million in R&D and endured years of controversy.

Universities can help citizens and communities to become
productively involved in technological decisions in several ways:

* Just as federal actions affecting the environment are
preceded by an environmental-impact statement, Congress could
require social- and political-impact statements before the
introduction or import of a significant technological
innovation (such as a biotechnology break-through) or before
construction of major technological installations (such as
large power plants). University faculty could play an
important role in organizing these studies, which might
include assembling citizen advisory boards and using
participatory research methods. In one recent set of
projects, for example, faculty members at Boston and Harvard
Universities helped concerned citizens conduct their own
epidemiological studies of toxic-waste hazards.

* In cases where social consequences are especially hard to
anticipate, voluntary social trials can help identify them.
Scholars might, for example, compare the social results from
a set of local pilot projects, each delivering an alternative
bundle of electronic services. Their analysis of the results
could be invaluable in helping officials guide development of
the nation's information infrastructure.

* Universities could also, with federal encouragement, help
create a national network of community research-and-policy
centers. The centers could draw on academic and government
researchers, industrial-research consortia, and the new
National Service program. Located on or near college
campuses, such centers might prepare the social impact
statements on technological developments, recruit local
citizens to participate in research, and organize public
forums and workshops on questions involving science,
technology, and economic development.

Excellent precedents exist for such centers. For example, Dutch
universities have evolved a vigorous network of public "science
shops" to respond to concerns of citizens, trade unions, and
community groups about technological issues. Each shop's paid
staff, student interns, and faculty volunteers answer questions
and refer challenging problems to other university faculty
members. Science shops, for example, have helped workers evaluate
the employment consequences of new production processes and helped
environmental groups document sources of industrial pollution.

In the United States some analogous precedents exist. The Pratt
Institute's Center for Community and Environmental Development has
30 years of experience in helping people in low-income
neighborhoods understand and influence economic development.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute requires all students to undertake
a faculty-supervised project that brings their technical training
to bear in addressing a social problem.

Another task for community-research centers could be to help
communities and regions diversify local production to match local
demand. This would complement government programs that now tilt
strongly toward high-tech production for global markets. Faculty
at Ball State University, for example, have begun regional market
studies and satellite-aided ecological analysis to help Indiana
farmers diversify their crops, reduce the use of chemicals, and
sell new products locally.

Community-research centers also would counterbalance the deepening
ties of universities and national laboratories to business. By
consistently engaging local social issues and citizens' concerns,
universities would help preserve their own capacity for
independent social criticism and educate students, via internships
or role modeling and volunteer work, for responsible citizenship.
With time, a community research network could evolve into the
decentralized, democratic core of a post-cold war national
laboratory system.

Additional opportunities exist to improve decision making.
Congress either has adopted or is contemplating new tax credits
for commercial research and development, business-investment
credits, and government technology loans. Such programs should be
conditioned, at least in part, by socially determined criteria.
For example, companies might earn higher tax credits for
conducting research or investing in equipment that helps advance
social objectives, such as producing high-quality jobs or
technologies that preserve the environment.

Many government advisory panels, ranging from the National Science
Board to lower-level peer-review panels, include only scientists
and engineers. The general public also needs a strong voice,
whether as lay members of such panels or in separate advisory
groups. Similarly, all government-financed programs to develop or
disseminate new technology - such as extension centers devoted to
manufacturing technologies - need robust representation by workers
and other members of the general public.

In the short run, foundations could play a vital role in helping
support the democratization of policy making. Eventually, though,
the costs of a community research network and of compensating
citizens and experts for their public service might be recouped
via a modest tax on federal spending on research and technological
development. A precedent exists in the budget of the Human Genome
Project, of which 3% is designated for studies of its social

With the Cold War behind us, deep political and economic
transformations are underway. We have an opportunity to remake
technology into the servant of democracy and society. A better
opportunity may not come again in our lifetime.


Richard E. Sclove is executive director of the Loka Institute
(P.O. Box 355, Amherst, MA 01004, USA), an association of scholars
and activists concerned with science, technology, and democracy he is
also the author of the author of the award-winning book
_DEMOCRACY AND TECHNOLOGY_ (New York and London: Guilford
Press, 1995).

He can be reached by e-mail at:

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