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Mission Statement


from: New York Free Media Alliance []
date:09 Apr 98 - 09h:13m


The New York Free Media Alliance is a group of individuals working to increase public space and democracy in local and national media.

We are activists, producers, educators and workers in video, radio, print and cyber media, and other interested rabble-rousers.

Our mission is to free our local mass media from the censorship and distortion of news and information that is vital to our communities and critical for an informed and engaged citizenry. We seek to counteract the corporate interests that commercialise and control world culture with direct actions, debates, workshops and screenings.

We also seek to encourage and nurture the development of independent media that gives access to, is accountable to, and accurately reflects all of the people in our communities.

We work to form links with other community groups and local media networks, with the purpose of increasing access to the channels of communication, and thus the chances for social justice.

Free the Media!

Activities since our formation in June 97 at the Freeing the Media gathering in NYC include: The Mogul World Tour march and the production of a one hour videotape chronicling the Tour, featuring Prof. Bob McChesney (available from Paper Tiger TV []); Cameras in the Courtroom? (Live debate on MNN public access TV) and the screening of Putting the Demo Back into Democracy at The Lotus Club, Lower East Side, NYC. In February '98 we organised the Micro-Power Radio Weekend fundraiser party for Steal This Radio 88.7FM and East Coast Microbroadcasters Conference in Philadelphia. Workshops on how to build a low-watt radio transmitter, and tips on starting a pirate radio station are part of the programme. Raffle for free transmitter.

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