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Why and how to write a BATCH file and make it PING...


from: Crash Course []
date:09 Apr 98 - 08h:48m


A batch programme is a file containing DOS commands stored in a simple ASCII text in a form that can be interpreted by the command processor as if someone had typed them in manually. Most batches are tiny things that replace a few manually typed commands. The following example is executing an action called PING:

REM Bolsa Mexicana de Valores
REM Grupo Financiero Bital
REM Grupo Financiero Bancomer
REM Banco de Mexico
REM Banamex
goto looptop

If you type those lines into any editor and save them as 'Text Only' files under the name ACTION.BAT (every batch file has to have the ending .bat to be recognised by DOS), you can start the programme by typing : ACTION.BAT [enter] in the DOS window. What happens?

This line defines the name for the following series of commands
REM Bolsa Mexicana de Valores

This line contains info only (in this case put the name of the bank in the next line)

This line executes the PING programme which checks the connection between points in the net. In this case it is trying to contact the URL The PING programme demands a brief reply from the server at the other end. In other words, the targeted server needs to deal with the request - which takes up attention and (a little) time - and subsequently can slow it down. Those commands are repeated for other URLs.
goto looptop

This line will jump to the series of commands called looptop. As you can see above, this means it will jump back to line one of the batch file and execute the series of PING commands again. This causes the loop to recursively PING the institutions and never stop...

The above URLs are only examples and could be replaced with any target of your choice. For your information: the banks in this example have allegedly received direct deposits since February 9th, 1995 of more than $60.2 billion of US investment in Mexico, as part of NAFTA or U.S. military assistance given under the guise of the "war on drugs." This type of U.S. economic intervention has in the past caused extreme low-intensity actions against Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and now in Chiapas.

Attention: This programme could run undetected in the background and could be part of the start-up commands (as in AUTOEXEC:BAT)! See text for bandwidth concerns.

see also:

Crash Course []