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Important Notice : Revolving signifiers...


from: Crash Media []
date:07 Aug 98 - 19h:42m


Due to Zeitgeist phenomena, shared interests, fragmented research and common ground some Siamese signifiers have emerged in '98 and this might be the right time and place to disentangle the riddles which keep puzzling (minor) parts of the net community.

R.U Sirius has long been editing the online, tabloid-style e-zine REVOLTING ( This shall not be confused with the temporary media laboratory in Manchester, August and September '98: Revolting (

Revolting has recently borne its logo through altering the widely recognised symbol ® by tilting it 25 degree to the left. By doing so Revolting attempts to stress the autonomy of guests participating throughout the duration of the media lab, as well as skillfully distorting the signifiers of power... Revolting is counter-productive to isea98 (, the yearly academia fest which has been umbrella-termed this year under Revolution.

As it happens, R.U. Sirius has most recently founded his party The Revolution® - no relation to isea98 whatsoever. The ® in this context does challenge the current trend of marketing, branding, and abusing real concepts of social change for inferior concepts and monetary motifs. Please note that the ® is not tilted in the slightest and should (obviously) be mistaken for the *real* symbol of commodified culture.

Crash Media hopes that this note will help to clarify the circumstances, but is quite aware that this will be of no help to your mail filters whatsoever.


Crash Media []