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intro#1: Communication-Guerilla; Zapatismo, Electronic Civil Disobedience and a 'Crash Course' in Bank-Pinging


from: Crash Media []
date:09 Apr 98 - 09h:06m


In the most simplistic terms the Zapatista uprising could be read as a dispute in the geographical zone of Chiapas, Mexico. But if it were described only in geo-political terms (the distribution and ownership of land) the chances are nobody would (want to) know about it.

Countless cases - each indisputably unique - have been featured in the media; cases which gained more or less coverage, which in turn provoked varying degrees of action. The Mexican military's repression of the uprising in the jungles of Chiapas were initially backed up by the government's strenuous attempts to control and mute media coverage. They failed. Since January 1994 the struggles of the Zapatistas developed into one of the most successful and widely recognised uses of media to amplify their struggle on a global level. In 1996 over 3000 grassroots activists from 5 continents gathered in Chiapas which not only amplified the Zapatista struggle but also furthered the global debate on 'neoliberalism'. Moreover, the Zapatistas extended the use of media and developed ways in which existing channels can be used for concrete, political action. In our Medium Roast section we present Ricardo Dominguez's report of some recent actions. Additionally the Communication Guerrilla contribute their specific take on guerrilla communication. Plus: this issue's self-explanatory Crash Course.

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