Date: Mon, 30 Jul 1997 14:34:52 +0100
From: Andreas Broeckmann <>
Subject: Syndicate: report from deep europe ...

report from deep europe ...Deep Europe

Deep Europe workshop
at Hybrid WorkSpace, documenta X Kassel, 28.7.-6.8.97

short report on the third day

We have arrived. The first two days are over and we are slowly making ourselves feel at home here in Kassel. The Berlin Biennale, the organiser of the Hybrid WorkSpace, is providing us with two flats where we can sleep and have breakfasts, and most of the day we then spend in and around the WorkSpace in the Orangerie on the documenta grounds. We do public presentations in the afternoons and have casual conversations and work meetings in between. The main topics for the discussions have been defined, the newsgroup on the website is getting started - we are on our way.

Aleksandar and Branka Davic Milic are here from Novi Sad, Edi Muka from Tirana, Marjan Kokot from Ljubljana, Lisa Haskel from London, Iliyana Nedkova from Sofia, Dimitrij Pilikin (St.Petersburg) and Andreas Broeckmann from Rotterdam/Berlin. Calin Dan from Bucharest/Amsterdam had to leave this morning (not without leaving us his text about the obsolescence of Europe which was posted earlier), Nina Czegledy (Toronto/Budapest) is leaving tomorrow, and Inke Arns (Berlin), Kit Blake (Rotterdam), Luchezar Boyadjiev (Sofia), Marta & Michiel van der Haagen (Warsaw), and Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits (Riga) are yet to come. (Surprise guests welcome ...)

In the public presentations we have seen video productions from Albania, Slovenia and Yugoslavia, the results of the Crossing Over video workshop, the Happy Doomsday! work in progress and a discussion about the Cyberknitting project. Dima Pilikin and Valerie Savchuk did a performance this morning with the memorable title: 'Bad English Today and Post-Information Communication Tomorrow'. And later this afternoon we will attempt the first Letters Home performance - members of the Deep Europe workshop report about their experiences of the last days in their native languages - which should create an interesting acoustic tableau of the diversity of the group ...

Two important topics for discussion will be the start-up of a Syndicate Publication Series, which has all sorts of practical problems attached to it but would be a very useful development of our net-work, and the European Media Policy which the Council of Europe is trying to formulate at the moment and which we may be able to have an impact on if we are able to formulate our position as regards the relationship between media technology and culture in Europe. (Please, expect more information about these things in the coming days and feel free to comment or make suggestions that we can include in our discussions here.) Other things we are talking about is the Cyberknitting project, the Ostranenie festival in November, the V2_East website, and some of us are working on a video documentation of the workshop.

The programme of what we are doing is posted daily on the site, and you can go to the newsgroup from there.

Greetings from Kassel !
