Deep Europe


D E E P _ E U R O P E @ H Y B R I D W O R K S P A C E



Andreas Broeckmann, Deep Europe: A V2_East/Syndicate workshop in Kassel (19 May 1997)

Andreas Broeckmann, Correction 'Deep Europe' (20 May 1997)

Andreas Broeckmann, report from deep europe ... (30 July 1997)

Cãlin Dan, Computer Game Europa (1 Aug 1997)

Geert Lovink, Media Art in Albania, First Steps. An Interview with Eduard Muka (Tirana) (29 Sep 1996)

Geert Lovink, After the Chaos - A New Beginning for Albania. An Interview with Edi Muka - part 2. (2 Aug 1997)

Edi Muka, +Free Fall in the Albanian Trance (1 Aug 1997)

Geert Lovink, A visit to the Makrolab in Lutterberg. The Documenta X project - Marko Peljhan / Projekt Atol. Interview with Marko Peljhan and Brian Springer (25 Jul 1997)

Geert Lovink, How to turn your liability into an asset. Contemporary art and the political and economic crisis in Bulgaria. An Interview with Luchezar Boyadjiev (29 Jul 1997)

Deep_Europe Workshop, Suggestions towards a European Media Policy (18 Aug 1997)

Valery Savchuk, On the 'information society' (1 Aug 1997)

Dimitri Pilikin, Pismo domoy s Documenta X ot Dima Pilikin (russian/english) (6 Aug 1997)

Kit Blake, deep europe Visa Department (5 Aug 1997)

Inke Arns, Deep Europe - some personal impressions: From horizontal to vertical mapping (12 Aug 1997)

Lisa Haskel, Tunnelling to Deep Europe: A letter from my Island home (15 Aug 1997)

Branka Davic, letter from home (1 Sep 1997)


THE TEXTS about Deep_Europe, published in:
Inke Arns / Andreas Broeckmann (eds.), Deep_Europe: The 1996 - 97 edition.
Selected texts from the V2_East / Syndicate mailing list (143 pp.), Berlin,
October 1997, 100 copies