Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 17:01:36 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Geert Lovink <>
Subject: <nettime> interview with Makrolab

A visit to the Makrolab in LutterbergDeep Europe

The Documenta X project - Marko Peljhan/Projekt Atol
By Geert Lovink

Communications equipment check with Marko Peljhan and Brian Springer
Lutterberg, july 20, 1997
By Geert Lovink

Makrolab is a research station up on the Lutterberg, 10 km from Kassel. It is an autonomous solar and wind powered communication and survival tent, full of equipment. One night I went there to find out about the first results of the project. Like Workspace, Makrolab had lots of technical problems in the first weeks of documenta X, but now the lab is up and running. In the coming days Makrolab will post an own text on nettime about the system.

GL: Could you explain us what kind of interception equipment you have here? This machine here says 'Microwave Videolink Transmitter – Designed for Makrolab.'

BS: It is a 10 gigahertz microwave link, going to the Documenta Halle where the video con-sole of Makrolab is located. It is used to relay video information from the lab's side to the Halle. Beside that there is a video switcher for the cameras that are related to the console. Here is some short-wave and two meter gear which we for example use to monitor the Mir transmissions.

You must have special decoding software to work with short-wave digital transmissions and different modulations. All what you hear now is different kind of HF modems or encoders. Tele-printers which use different standards. A lot of it is encrypted and there are specific NATO and Russian systems with specific baud rates that are almost impossible to decode. It is not like baudot weather services or stuff like that, it’s much more complex and hidden and there’s no readily available information on it. When you hear and identify a baud rate of 81 or 73 or 96 p.e., than it is probably some NATO transmission and you know that you cannot get the message. But there’s other systems which are very easily de-codable or even voice services which are usually not scrambled. What we hear now is p.e. information about the weather over the Atlantic, the Shannon volmet for the air traffic flying towards Europe. On another channel we hear Stockholm Aero, and HF aeronautical station for transatlantic and transpolar routes. What we can decode quite easily is the SELCAL signals transmitted by aircraft, together with their position, wind, temperature and fuel status. With the short wave setup we have it is of course also possible to transmit, and every night I try to talk with some stations, yesterday it was Estonia and Belarus. In the past two days it was Mir packet radio time, three times a day and more. We try to get the Mir signals when it over flies Europe. As you know Mir was in trouble, but now they repaired their electricity circuit, and today they were resting, communi-cating with radio amateurs of the world. I’ve put some signals information on the website.

BS: On the other machine we are receiving signals in the L-Band around 1.5 giga hertz. It is a communications receiver. It could be used for mobile phones, but they are mostly regionally located. We were specially interested in crossing boarders and boundaries. Across five countries or more, like INMARSAT, which is a satellite telephone system, a briefcase size. Maybe you saw Peter Arnett using this during the Gulf War, speaking to CNN. There are still vestiges of the INMARSAT system that are analogue based, which do not require any special digital decompression. So here in Germany you could be listening to America, Ireland or Teheran. This is where communication start to get interesting, where the medium does what it does best, which is communicate. And where culture does what it does worst, which is communicate. We are investigating if the collision of these best and worst characteristics can create a interesting stage for intervening in the trans-national flow of information.

MP: What makes this set of radio amateur gear perhaps specific is the context in which we are operating. The result is only becoming visible after quite a long period of time and a period of reflection. We have just started.

GL: Brian, you have been doing satellite interception before. You released a videotape where you see politicians getting ready, doing tests for an open camera.

BS: In the United States, these satellite feeds which were un-encrypted video transmissions, either by television networks or by corporations, were accessible. One could find the Philip Morris Television Network every now and then, doing a corporate teleconferencing. From their lawyers point of view it is a private transmission. And then it is my point of view that this is public transmission because it is not scrambled. Anyone with a home satellite dish, which is 4 million, can receive this. The issue here is: what is a common carrier, and what is a broadcast? A broadcast is something that goes out to a mass public. A common carrier is something like a letter. But what happens if a letter is broadcast across a whole continent, when it is not encrypted, not in a digital but in an analogue form? A lot of contradiction can arise of what is public and what is private. The satellite’s broad beam pushes these contradiction to the surface.

GL: Could you compare that kind of work with video feed with current research on the audio spectrum?

BS: Coming from the States, it is such a televised nation. There is a hoard of images, spewing forward. Everyday at 6 p.m. when the local news starts, maybe 15 news reporters, are standing in front of chart buildings, dead bodies and blown down houses, getting ready to report the days carnage to the local television viewers. With the satellite TV feed you could see these reporters before they go on-air. These satellite out-takes can sometimes be revealing. Now it seems everyone who appears on a satellite feed knows someone might be watching and/or taping them, so now that candid stage has disappeared. Here the audio is interesting because it is still an open stage at times.

I have not worked with satellite video much, just for a year now. One year ago we put on a 3m dish on the roof of Ljudmila in Ljubljana. In Europe there are less feeds. What you get is pre-taped material that is sent to different broadcasters. I have been working with short wave for a long time, since the early eighties. Short wave is the cheapest and most accessible way of communicating over long distances and still widely used. I think that almost everyone has the experience of suddenly hearing a female voice giving out four-letter codes for five hours on their own AM radio receiver. We listen to those here too and try to make some sense and basically map them. There is information available on the Internet about the frequencies secret services use, but things are changing quickly in that world. And basically every posted data is already old data. Audio and data traffic on SW is still not so accessible, compared to video, where you just hook your TV up to a satellite receiver and a dish and there you go.

GL: Brian, you experienced the closing of the open video channels. Most of it is now encrypted. This is also happening in the audio spectrum. Do you see the same patterns occurring there?

BS: The open windows are slowly closing. It is a unique opportunity to have one last glimpse at the curve of the analogue spectrum before it closes forever. Analogue seems to be more na-tural, curved, not binary, with less protection for the information contained on these channels.

GL: So we have to move then and crack the digital spectrum.

MP: The big game is to move forward to digital domains. A complete set of new knowledge is needed. We heard rumors that digital communications, for example banking information were cracked. That is illegal and basically a criminal offense but tells a lot about the safety of our own data being transmitted and re-transmitted over the networks. The encryption that is currently used by states in diplomacy is very hard to decrypt. You must have the key, that's it. Intelligence services are working more on getting the keys than to decrypt. The human is the weak element of the chain, not the signal anymore.

Appendix: this is why we built makrolab

the process of following a certain problem could be metaphorically expressed as travel through the areas of a big organism. the existent cognition systems explain various parts of the ur-animal (e.g. the foot, the organ, the tissue, the structure, the particle...).

by means of links they create topographical areas. viewed from inside in the man who thinks, explores, learns, experiences and feels the latter form and organize themselves as complete experiences, whereas viewed from outside they manifest themselves as neutral objects: tools, books, images, plans, calculations, data bases, models, systems...

the exhibited object, the makrolab-console represents the external, fragmentary view on the makrolab – research station, which is set on the hill lutterberg.

makrolab is designed as an autonomous, modular communications and living environment, which is powered by sustainable sources of energy (solar and wind power). it is designed for a long existence in an isolated environment and can withstand extreme natural conditions.

it has it's own research and experience goal. the station is built as a combination of various scientific and technological logistics systems. makrolab makes use of scientific and techno-logical tools, knowledge and systems, but it projects them in the social domain of art. we, the authors and crew make use of the system of art for the shaping and representation of an integral empirical and creative experience.

telecommunications as the main aspect of the project is concentrated on the discovery and recording of the events which take place in the densely populated abstract areas of the electromagnetic spectrum. the electromagnetic spectrum is a part of the global socio-political space, which is invisible and immaterial on one hand but presents a productive factor of general living and social conditions on the other. it can be sensed only by the means of suitable interfaces and specialized knowledge. the telecommunication activities of makrolab are created as the process of transcribing invisible and vague micro-environmental activities into traditional, three-dimensional textures – documents.

the research station makrolab on the lutterberg hill nearby kassel (which is at the same time one of the exhibited works of art at the documenta 10 exhibition) is the primary conceptual and material plan of the project which has yet only started to follow its objective, and which constantly shapes its contents and lives its own individual experience.
