Date: Sat, 2 Aug 1997 18:08:32 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Geert Lovink <>
Subject: interview with Edi Muka - part 2

After the Chaos - A New Beginning forDeep Europe Albania

An Interview with Edi Muka - part 2
By Geert Lovink

Backstage of Hybrid Workspace, Documenta X, Kassel, August 1, 1997

Edi Muka is an Albanian artist teaching new media at the Fine Art Academy of Tirana. We met for the first time in September '96 at the V2_East meeting during DEAF in Rotterdam. You can read the first interview we did at the Syndicate site:
Since then a lot has happened in Albania. Edi Muka made it to the nettime meeting in Ljubljana ('The Beauty and the East') to report on the current (media) situation. Now, after the elections of June 29, Edi is participating in the 'Deep Europe' group which is currently using the Hybrid Workspace. Here he just finished a summary (in English) of an essay he wrote about the political crisis in Albania and the positions of the arts called 'Free Fall in the Albanian Trance'. (Deep Europe newsgroup)

GL: In the Western press, the events of March 1997 in Albania have been described in blurry and terrifying terms like 'chaos' and 'anarchy'. Some tried to explain it as a 'civil war', but it wasn't quite like that. Are those terms appropriate? Should we speak of a 'revolt'? Perhaps for the first time since Budapest 1956, there was an armed uprising of some sort in Europe.

EM: First of all, we cannot talk in terms of a civil war. It never took place. I am an anarchist myself and I would never call this anarchy. The mess in Albania was caused by the leading force, the Democratic Party and its government. It was a people's protest. The element of violence we faced was of a very specific nature. There was not any violence used during the time of the protests. All the protests were held without any arms, at least on the side of the people. Of course the police were armed and shot in the air and sometimes in the crowd. At a certain point, the government surrounded the whole city of Vlora and intended to send the army there. But at that moment the army disobeyed and abandoned their positions. That is why we had such a mess. All the depots and barracks were left alone. The number of people going there, taking tanks and guns was limited. In response to this, the Democratic Party made up this story of the South fighting the North. They promised their supporters very good fees. But on the whole there were very few military actions, beside some incidents. In Vlora, the (ex-) President Berisha tried to attack the city and he failed. Another provocation took place in the small city of Cerrik, where he did send his troops. The whole city then fought back. Five of the attackers were killed and then they left the city. Most of the killings happened because of the guns, once they were out. The gun became a presence in itself, a fetish, a very active one. But the gun was very material. It is killing people.

GL: What happened to you in this period of unrest?

EM: Basically it started last May, on the 26th, when we had the parliamentary elections stolen by the Democratic Party. On the 28th, by doing a public beating of the oppositional leaders in the middle of Tirana they stated that this was going to be the way they rule. It became dang-erous to speak out. Everything was controlled. I know it sounds ridiculous but they were even controlling the e-mail. They were allowing only one server, the one in the UNDP office. They did not care too much about the press. There was the oppositional newspaper, the Koha Jone. At a certain point they beat them up and closed their offices. I was lucky not to have suffered. I became scared when the students began protesting because I was deeply involved in that. By the time they got to my person the uprising in Vlora started so they did not pay so much attention to the capital. But our internationally well-known artist Edi Rama was heavily beaten by the secret police of Berisha. He survived only because of the physics – he is big enough. Right in front of his home.

GL: How do you look at the international involvement? There is always the suspicion of (post)colonial behaviour of Italy. Again, the EU was divided what to do, like in the case of Bosnia. What did you think of the late humanitarian intervention and the half-hearted attempts to restore order?

EM: The Albanian case was the consecutive failure of Europe about how to deal with the Balkans. This has to do with their strange attitude towards democracy. I would call it 'context democracy'. There is the Dutch context and a different democracy there. And they say that this is the kind of democracy that fits the Albanians. This is how they ended up supporting Berisha to the very end. This is horrible. He is a dictator. How could they close their eyes? The EU and all the rest is unable to predict events. It is true that there is a strong Italian influence. Italy is forced to be involved in this because of its sea border. The Albanians would 'attack' Italy with an exodus in case of big trouble. So for the Europeans it is easy to delegate this case to Italy. Someone on the street was asked his opinion on the day of the arrival of the 'multinational force'. He answered that it could have been done in a much easier way: just make a statement that Berishia should go away. Get rid of him and then things will start to improve. Why send troops? They were not really interested in helping Albanians. They wanted to forbid Albanians to take the boat to Italy. That's all. Everybody was laughing when they heard about some 'humanitarian' intervention. There was no aid coming at all. Albania did not need humanitarian aid at all. I know this because I went to the South to make reports. It was about 400 tons of beans and 600 tons of flour.

GL: How do you look back at the election of June 29 and the change of government? The situation seems to be stable at the moment.

EM: I was truly amazed about the calm during election day. Everybody had expected a massacre, or at least fights between the different parties. But nothing happened, which means that the Albanian people had made up their mind. Of course, the balance changed in an extreme way. We could not have expected to have a more center-balanced, pluralistic choice. That is why the left wing parties won the majority. There is a big willingness to end all of what happened. The same mistakes will not be made.
On the other side, there are a lot of problems the government has to deal with. The biggest problems are the guns. It is estimated that there are about one million Kalashnikoffs around. Nobody was aware that there were so many weapons in the country. You may have seen pictures on TV of Albanians carrying five or ten Kalashnikoffs. It was very easy to get them. The second problem are the losses to individuals in the pyramid schemes. The new government promised to give back the money. It was not like this, but in a passionate moment they made this promise. What they could do is to make transparent where the money went. Berishia tried to avoid this by any means. I heard that they are organizing armed gangs to keep the situation destabilized. They sense that if public order is restored, the money problem will not be so acute anymore. The people now only want one thing: to have the public order restored. What I feared most during the troubles was the impact that it will have on future generations. But the way in which the Albanians dealt with the elections was a very positive sign. Vlora was the first city to come up with the election results. No single incident was reported there. It is amazing how spirit can conquer paranoia.

GL: What are your plans for the coming year? Do you encourage foreigners to visit you? There is a strange mix of fear of chaos and a curiosity about it at the same time, an exoticism amongst Westerners when it comes to Albania. How should an exchange be organized?

EM: Relations have changed in Albania. I no longer belong to the group that was persecuted. This does not mean that I am in power. I do not like to be in power and prefer to be in opposition. I would like to see a professional debate between me and the people that think in a different way. Not that they are in power and can do whatever they want. Practically, I would like to build up a new atelier, an intermedia department within the Academy of Fine Arts. The attempts are there. The students are there, but no equipment. I feel that I have a lot of support now from colleagues. It is the right moment to have a positive split of the arts community. Now it is moment to say: 'I am like this and you are like that'. We know who we are and what we are doing.

In terms of exchange, we are very open. There is a growing need in the West also to colla-borate with the East. You can see it also in the different terminology like 'Ex-East' or... 'Deep Europe'. Western societies are now in a crisis through the impact of technology. In the past, Western societies used their own points of reference in order to overcome these crises inside their culture. But now this has changed and the West now looks outside of its borders for new points of reference. That is the mechanism, and I also like it. Finally we will no longer be exotic anymore. I try to make Albanian artists aware of this and wipe out the inferiority complexes they have. There has been a projection on Westerners of your own desires. But East Europeans know by now that the reality of their ideal looks different. This new conciousness should be used in the new, increasing forms of communication that now open up. The cultures of the East European countries, or their potentials, can be used as a counterbalance to the technological nonsense.

(edited by Tom Bass)