Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 13:54:58 +0000
From: "Dimitri Pilikin (by way of Marjan Kokot)" <>
Subject: Syndicate: a letter home

Letter home from Documenta X, byDeep Europe Dimitri Pilikin

At Documenta X, there appears to be a pause in art.

This is a time when documents are devalued , as a form of definition and as incitement to react. This declaration is deliberate and courageous. It can be seen on the Documenta logo – a red cross is placed over the letter "d" – a traditional way of marking price reductions in shop win-dows. This devaluation is also shown in the scale of the exhibition. Having brought with me an impression of Documenta IX, Documenta X looks like a domestic, small space: I don't recog-nise the space where I was in 1992. But all this is very apt, because Documenta X is a period of reflection and reconsideration. Processes of art-making are acquiring value, and are moving into the charmed circle of contemporary art. In the meantime, art objects are losing connection with real human life. You can see this in the last Venice Biennale. Everything was under-standable, everything was absolutely calculated: mistakes and risks were excluded. But the best products of contemporary art are discussion, conversation and reflection: in point of fact, communication. Naturally: Documenta X is not without net-space, and Hybrid WorkSpace has created its own niche.

Documenta X is also a period to reckon up the 1990's. This has been a time where the female message in contemporary art has been recognised: this is a time of emotional and sensitive practice.

Documenta X is also a period when borders have become a context. Its a time of consideration to peripheral zones, which harness new energy. The V2_East/Syndicate workshop – the deep europe programme – is a demonstration of an absolutely particular experience of art pro-duction. For example: the video programme from Yugoslavia represents totally different relationships between the categories of society, freedom, politics, revolution and blood. Revolution is now discredited as a form of life, and as a form of art. The revolutionary has now joined the establishment and looks like a decorative figure. But if art is a process of continuous reinvention, how can it manage without revolution? It is at this point that East meets West, because our common problem is our loss of contact with society as well as community. We need channels of communication as a common ritual, and without them we fall into despair.

Revolution is now an embodied experience. It is the experience of ex-Yugoslavia, Albania, Russia. It is not only political, it is of the body. It involves real blood, violence and terror. But this is not all. Revolution is also an experience of communities brought together. It shows the value of ritual as a means of alleviating emotional and psychological problems.

Protests transform to carnival, with an intense feeling of community. All boundaries of mea-ning are breached. There is no generation gap, no racial distinctions, no religious conflicts, no gender problems, no difference between rich and poor. There is only absolute happiness experienced in the moment.

Kassel, August 2nd 1997.